My Birthday

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Today is my Birthday, its Friday morning and I just got back from my run, so I hopped into the shower and headed to Starbucks for my coffee. It is now currently 10am and I'm sitting in a booth in the corner drinking my coffee by myself, I figured since at 1 I am meeting Rachel at her apartment to have a 'Friends only Birthday Celebration' with Kurt and Blaine I thought I would just chill for a few hours by myself.

I was about half way through my coffee when I saw a girl walk in about the same age as me, she had a suitcase with her. I couldn't help but stare at her, she was beautiful,  Dark hair, Dark eyes, Tanned skin, I was awoken from my thoughts when I heard what she was talking to the cashier a bout, she was looking for a job, she seemed desperate, when the woman declined her she seemed pissed, she ordered a coffee to go, but when she turned around a guy walked into her and spilled it all over her. I jumped when I heard her scream.
"ARG what the fuck, watch where you're are going!"
"Oh, ER sorry, I was trying to find my daughter"
The guy was around 40 years old, I felt bad for him he looked so scared.
"Well, evidently your daughter is not here so what you can do is buy me another coffee, right now"
"I can't I don't have any money on me but I have to go" he tried to walk past her when she stopped him and got up in his face.
"listen here, you are going to get me another coffee and pay for a new top which you have just ruined, your fatass isn't going anywhere before I get my money" I have to say that was a bit mean.
He looked like he was going to faint so I decided to intervene.
"Hi, I couldn't help but see what was going on, I can buy you another coffee if you'd like and a new top" The man looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I tilted my head quickly to signal him to leave which he did.
"Well now look, he's gone!"
"What was your coffee order?" I decided to ignore how stressed out she was that he had left.
"Expresso Romano" She started to get money out her purse and I saw she didn't have enough.
" It's okay I got it"
"no, its fine, you were not the one who spilled it on me." Her voice was softer now.
" I know but, I can see you don't have enough for another, so it's okay" she looked in my eyes and smiled.
" I will also buy you a new shirt but, you're going to have to come with me" she smiled and nodded.

It went silent for a minute while we waited for her coffee to be made. she finally turned around with her Coffee.
" Erm thanks for the coffee, and the offer to buy me a new shirt but I really need to go look for a job"
"Yeah I heard, but you wont find a job round this area, ill show you a great place to start looking" at first she was hesitant but finally nodded and walked out Starbucks.
We had been walking for about Ten minutes when I finally asked why she had a suitcase.
" Hey why do you have a suitcase?"
"Oh I just moved here, well I mean I just came off the subway so I am looking for somewhere to live right now, and a job, I basically just have myself right now so I really needed that Starbucks job."
" well how old are you?" I asked thinking what has she been doing she should have a job by now.
" I am 19, I have only just graduated recently I had to repeat a year, I missed a lot of school but I came out with straight A's so I should be okay, how old are you?"
"I am 20, its actually my Birthday Today"
"Oh Happy birthday, haha, I should have been the one buying you coffee" I smiled and pointed to a  few signs that said they needed people, I waited for her but she didn't get any of them. that's when I realised she still had a coffee stain down her white shirt, i guess they don't want someone who they think can't keep clean,
"Oh I have just realised i don't know your name" i stated a little embarrassed i didn't ask sooner.
"Oh I'm Santana, Santana Lopez, and you?"
"Brittany, Brittany Pierce" She has a beautiful name.
"Well Brittany thankyou for trying to help me but i guess no one wants me. Its getting late in the afternoon and i need to find somewhere to stay, so i should i guess try find somewhere, it was nice meeting you, but I'm sure you need to go since it is your birthday" i thought for a moment, checked the time and saw it was 12:45, arg need to be at Rachels at 1, I had to think fast. I really didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone.
"Erm well, I know we just met but you can stay with me...i have to meet some friends at 1 but you can stay at my place until i get back?" i didn't know if this was a good idea because i was rich but my apartment didn't really look like someone with a lot of money lived there I have always kept in on the Down low because that's just who i am i have a lot of money and i can buy anything but i don't i save it until i need something useful.
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that you don't know me" She said with a Sad smile.
"I offered and really its okay, New York can be dangerous i wouldn't want you going out by yourself with no where to stay, especially if you don't have much money" i said reassuring her it was really okay.
"Thank-You Brittany" she started smiling a genuinely happy smile, which made me feel something in my stomach.

At my apartment:

"Please just stay here okay there is food in the fridge, eat whatever, here is my cell phone number if anything happens, i will be back at 3 okay but i have to go" she looked surprised. So i raised my eyebrows and asked...
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
" It's just we have just met, do you really trust me to be in here without stealing anything i mean this apartment is huge!"
" Well will you steal anything?" i asked looking at a confused face.
" Of course not!"
"Well then i trust you, but if anything is missing when i get back and you're gone i will find you" i said with a blank expression which made her face look scared.
"Hey I'm kidding but i have to go now so hang tight bye" and with that i left.

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