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Brittany's POV:

My alarm clock went off. I quickly shut it off so it didn't wake Santana, I wanted to shower and get ready first. I pealed her arm off me carefully and scooted out of bed. I found it cute how she would always be cuddling me in some way when I woke up. I had a shower brushed my teeth and got changed, I looked to the clock which said 9:30am, I decided to wake Santana up by bringing her a bowl of cereal and orange juice so she didn't have to rush and eat breakfast when she got out the Bathroom. Ten minutes later I heard the shower running. I was sitting in the kitchen eating my own breakfast I have just made.

It was 10:10am when we finally left my apartment; I saw Mike outside taking a break from his class, I decided this was the time to introduce the two. Mike was a tall guy, black hair and had great upper body strength, him and Santana exchanged hellos and smiles, I think they're going to get along fine. I mean better than her and Rachel obviously. He said to us both to meet at his place later so we can throw Santana a party to say welcome to your first job, Santana thought it was a cool idea. He ended the conversation by saying he had to get back to work.

We walked through to a room where Tina would be. She was sowing red ribbons onto dresses she was making. She makes the costumes if we ever do a show. Tina and Santana were 'bonding' over there love of grease. 20 Minutes later of us 3 girls talking Mike was done with his class and it was now time for Santana and I to work.

I gave Santana some sheet music to look at while I talked to my class full of 16-17 year old girls and one 17 year old boy. I was teaching them a routine of contemporary dance to '1000 hands by Fifth Harmony' We needed Santana to sing a piano version for us. When she had the song down I invited Mike back in to demonstrate what I needed the one boy to do to the girls around him. It was easy to show the boy with another male.

Santana's POV;

I started to sing, I saw Mike touching Brittany and picking her up. I got Jealous that he got to touch her, like it was nothing. He grapped her wrist spun her and dipped her, at this point they motioned for the other dancers to join in the girls pranced around delicately, With the boy randomly grabbing them and spinning them. Brittany and Mike stepped aside and watched; When I finished the song they looked at each other and nodded, Mike left and Brittany said it was great and to just run it over again one more time. Soon enough they had it nailed.

Mike came in and asked Brittany if she could take over his next class as he had a doctors check up. She nodded and said 'Of course' We had a 15 minute gap between the next class, Mike explained what he was doing with the group, and Brittany raised her eyebrows. I couldn't hear what they were saying but it looked like Brittany was unsure about something. When she came back to me she told me what it was about. I was a little shocked of the choice of song but I guess since it was a group of 16-18 year olds that's what they would be into. 'Candy shop'- song choice.

I couldn't do anything in this class but watch Brittany. There was 1 girl in the group to complete the routine named Ashleigh. The whole routine was based around her and a guy named Jason, they were in the middle and the rest of the guys were around them doing syncronised moves. I watched as Brittany was trying to explain to the girl to be more 'loose' she was pretty stiff. Brittany was getting a little frustrated because the girl wasn't listening. One of the guys suggested Brittany just demonstrate instead of telling her. I could see Brittany hesitate at first but she decided to do it. I felt my eyebrows raise. She sat the girl down and said 'Watch my hips and how you should just flow' The girl nodded and then the music started.

Brittany took off her baggy jumper; I don't think she realised how sexual that was. She pulled her hair out and shook her hair, she started walking towards Jason, who was licking and biting his lower lip. I didn't like the way he was looking at her, Brittany was now in Black leggings and a Black sports bra. her Breasts full and perfectly round. I looked around the room to check if anyone saw me staring but all the guys had there eyes fixated on the hot blonde in front of them covering there mouths saying 'Oh shit' I rolled my eyes. But I couldn't blame them. I looked to Ashleigh who was watching intently biting her lip; Yep definitely questioning her sexuality. I looked back to Brittany who was now grinding on Jason, he was 18 so he was classed as an adult. Brittany suddenly dropped to the floor and started to bounce, She started to gradually sway back up, her back was against Jason's torso, she spun to face him still swaying, there noses so close to touching, she turned again getting lower and lower with every hip roll. The guy looked totally turned on. I wished it was me, but I was happy watching Brittany in this moment to care.

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