Episode 13- Home

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Frisk was helped up by Sans. Her cold hands shivered as she fell into his arms, tears flooding from her eyes. "Sans!" She cried, sobbing into his jacket.

Sans held her for a moment. "There there, kid. I'm here." He looked down as Chara who was panting and shivering in pain. "Just.. not now. We should get out of here. You have some explaining to do." He held up his fingers and snapped, mustering enough magic to "shortcut" them away far enough away from Chara that she didn't know where they were.

As they arrived back in the snowy place, Frisk began to shake with cold. "You okay, kiddo?" Sans asked, looking at her shivering.

"I..I'm just cold.." She mumbled. Her Crystal blue eyes looked down, she was more than "just cold". She was afraid.

Sans sighed. "Here," he started, pulling off the scarf that was left from his brother's remains. Giving it to her, he was hesitant at first.

Grabbing the scarf, frisk shuddered. Tears welled in her eyes as she held the scarf in front of her; she had stopped moving. "P.. P-pap..yrus..." She whispered.

Sans looked at her and stopped as well. "Kid..?"

Frisk's tears ran down her face and she just stared at the cloth. "I.. I'm so sorry.."

Sans kneeled down, looking up at Frisk. "H-hey.. Bud... Th-this isn't your fault.. It's Chara's.. Right?" He tried to gather the strength to not hate her guts right now and to be comforting.

Frisk's legs shook and she fell into the arms of Sans again. "I'm so sorry.. I.. I can't.."

She pulled her away and wiped her tears off her face. "Frisk.." He said in a low, claiming voice. "It's okay. It wasn't you." As she let out quiet sobs, he put their foreheads together. "I know that."

Frisk put her hands on the strangely chubby skeleton. The scarf was still in her hands, as well. The warmth of sans' body gave Frisk a chill. (Ironic, is it not? ~DDC) Had he still forgiven her? Did he still love her? Or did that all change when Chara assumed control?

Sans caressed her cheek as quiet sobs were heard. Her opened his eye(socket?)s and saw her smiling. "Hey.. Kiddo.. Don't worry.." He wiped more tears away from her face. "I've got you."

Frisk smiled bigger, her eyes clouded with tears. "Thank... you..." She whispered.

Sans held her closer, knowing that the burning rage inside his portion of a SOUL would have to wait for later. "Cmon now kid, let's get out of the cold." He stood, reaching out a skeletal hand and frisk hesitated to grab it after putting Papyrus' red scarf around her neck.

As they arrived at a large house hat was covered in snow, Frisk yawned. Seeing this, sans chuckled. "You sure must be tired, kiddo. I guess our journey cane wait a few hours."

Frisk smiled slightly. She loved sans, and now she didn't have to fear hurting him. Chara was gone; out of her body. "Sorry about that.. Tearing a SOUL in half kinda hurts and is tiresome.." She hugged sans from the side and giggled.

Sans chuckled slightly to himself. "Yeah." He didn't know if she knew he only had half a soul himself. "Anyway, come inside. You can use Papyrus' bed since he's not going to be using it for a while," he sighed.

Frisk dug her face into him. Sans was taken back by this, but hugged her nonetheless. "Hey, kiddo.. I said I forgave you. It's not your fault, remember?"

The child shook her head in his fluffy coat. "I.. I know.. B-but.." She looked up, tears clouding her eyes yet again. "I don't know how to fix it."

Sans kneeled again, holding her close in the doorway of the house. "Frisk," he started. "Kid.. Look. I don't know how to fix it either, but I've got a pretty good idea on how to at least put things in our favor."

Frisk blinked tears out of her eyes. "A-and what's that..?"

After a moment, he spoke up. "You just gotta promise me something, frisk. Okay?"

She nodded. "A-anything for you, sans."

He blinked and his pupils were gone. "Promise me that you won't let Chara kill you."

Frisk was slightly afraid, but also slightly not. She nodded slightly. "I.. I promise, sans."

Standing up again, he looked down at her. Though he was short, she was still shorter; making sans feel better about himself to the slightest extent. "Good," he smiled.

Frisk shivered as they hustled in the door. Closing it tight, she shook off excess snow. Looking around, it was dirty.. His pet rock had been thrown at the TV and the kitchen was a mess. "What happened in here?" She asked.

"Heh.. I guess I forgot to clean up my mess." He rubbed the back of his skull. Looking at the sock with the sticky notes on it, he sighed. "Well, guess we can do that later. You need some rest. I'll stay down here in case anything happens."

Frisk nodded. "Okay, thank you."

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