Sunset Beach

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Sunset Beach

"Go! Psyduck use pound!" Misty cried helplessly, trying to train her Psyduck by putting him up against one of her sisters Squirtle. "Squirtle use water gun!" Psyduck was flung against the gym wall. Psyduck wanted to finally please Misty, desperately. So he ran back and concentrated very hard. "Psyduck, Psyduck, Psyduck, Psy..." Psyduck then got such a major headache that he passed out. "Ugh...I can't believe- oh who am I kidding? I can believe it." Some loud snickering caught Misty's ear and she turned to the stands to see two shadowy figures. "Hey this is a private gym! So get los-" She then realized she recognized those laughs. "Ash, Brock?" The two figures jumped from the stands and ran to give her hugs. Yep, Ash and Brock. "I've missed you so much!" She said more to Ash than Brock as their hug lingered a little too long. "We've missed you too, and look at what I brought you!" Ash said with a chuckle, rolling a new bike out from behind the gym door. Misty didn't know why but it made her feel warm inside that he'd do that for her. "Well it's about 9 years late." She said with a sly grin, smacking him in the back of the head. Ash grumbled a bit, but his heart was over flowing, unable to look past the excitement he felt. He'd been longing to see her again for so long. There was something about Misty that kept him coming back to her. Always. "Psyduck return. So you want to stay for dinner?" Misty offered. Brock had no time to think before Ash spit out "I'd love too!" Misty blushed lightly. "Great, just let me wrap up here."


While Misty's family was keeping Ash and Brock busy, Misty was running around in the kitchen like crazy trying to fix the perfect meal. She didn't know why but she felt this great need to please Ash. She wanted him to like her cooking, it mattered. Before she knew it she was caught in a daydream: Oh Misty, I love everything you do. You couldn't be more perfect and I love you: "Misty snap out of it! You are NOT in love with Ash Ketchum!" She scolded herself quietly before bringing out the food. Ash suddenly realized Misty had made his favorite food. "You remembered?" Misty turned Magikarp red. " Um yeah I did." Misty said more timid than she meant to. Ash caught that and was suddenly caught in a daydream of his own: Oh Ash, I made you your favorite food because I'm in love with you!: "C'mon Ash, what's wrong with you?" He mumbled to himself under his breath. Brock noticed that both Misty and Ash were blushing and he smirked inwardly. He always had thought they'd make a great couple, so he made it his personal mission to get those two together. Misty's parents and sisters were shocked as they dug into the food that Misty had made. "Misty...this is great. Your cooking usually sucks, what's gotten into you?" One of her sisters exclaimed. "I've always liked your cooking, Misty." Ash lied, wanting her to think he was one of those sensitive guys she always read about in magazines. He hated that he longed to make Misty happy but he just couldn't help it. Misty was special. Everyone turned to him in shock. "Are you serious? Misty you better up and marry this boy because he is the only one on this earth who will tolerate your cooking." Her father teased. At the first talk of marriage Ash felt like he might faint. The sad thing was that now that it had been brought up Ash didn't think it sounded so bad (As long as Misty's food didn't kill him). Misty's stomach was in knots. She'd been telling herself for years that she wasn't in love with Ash, but she had been having dreams about their wedding since the last time she'd seen him. Misty hardly touched her food the rest of the meal, wondering if Ash really meant what he'd said. After dinner, Brock decided to put his devious plan in motion. It wasn't anything special but he was confident it would work. "Hey Pikachu, how would you like it if Misty was with us all the time like the old days?" "PikaPika!" Pikachu squealed happily. "Well I've got a brilliant idea, c'mon." He said, motioning for him to follow him. Pikachu jumped up on Ash's shoulder. "Hey Ash! Misty! Let's go for a walk." "Okay." Ash and Misty said simultaneously. They followed Brock outside, but then suddenly Brock said "Have fun you two see ya later!" And ran back to the house. Pikachu put his face in his paw. "Pika Pi..." As if to say "THAT was your great idea?" "I wonder what that was about." Misty said, trying to play dumb. "I know what that was about and I agree with him." Ash said, a tremble in his voice. "What do you mean?" Misty asked, a deep blush spreading across her face. "Misty let's not beat around the bush. I'm tired of pretending that there isn't something between us. I know that you must feel that way too...why else would you fix that meal for me? Misty, will you...go out with me?" "Ash...I love you." Misty whispered, her heart racing. "I love you too, Mist." He said leaning in for a kiss. Their lips met it a sweltering kiss, Ash exploring the depths of Misty's warm mouth. When they came up for air Misty said "I'd be honored to go out with you, Mr. Pokemon Master." Ash grinned and spun her around lightly. Ash and Misty had wanted this for so long that they could hardly contain themselves. Before long they were making out. Pikachu couldn't believe that Brock's plan had actually worked.


Misty's parents were thrilled but not as thrilled as Ash's mom a few weeks later when he took Misty over. "Oh I always knew you two would be married one day!" "Mom, we aren't getting married, we're just dating." Mrs. Ketchum just sighed happily, ignoring her sons correction and offered Misty some tea. In the two or three weeks since they started dating they'd gotten really close and now Misty was coming over to Ash's house every other night around 6. Pikachu really liked that, having really missed Misty. One night Ash got on the phone with the Officer Jenny in the Hoenn region and asked her to retrieve Misty's Togetic, whom she missed very much. Jenny went to see the Togepi at the Mirage Kingdom and it turned out that Togetic was attatched to the Togepi there but wanted Misty to have his egg. So Ash met up with Jenny and got the Togepi egg and wrapped it up for Misty's 20th birthday. Ash was planning a big romantic dinner at home that he was cooking himself. He was a little self conscious but maybe Misty would enjoy it. Pikachu decided to help, getting some onions from the fridge and using Iron Tail to chop them. Ash grinned. "Thanks Pikachu, you're a great help." "Pika!" Ash stirred the sauce he was making and added the onions. "Hey Pikachu, you mind going to get Misty? As soon as I pour the sauce over the noodles, dinner will be ready." Pikachu nodded and ran into the living room and waved out the window, letting Brock know he could go get Misty. When Misty got there the pasta and rice dinner he made was on the dinning table along with Misty's favorite pink lace table cloth that Ash's mother had given him (despite his objections). Some pink candles were lit in the center of the table that matched the table cloth (also a gift from his mother that he had tried to reject). Misty wrapped her arms around Ash's waist. "Happy birthday, Misty." He said into her neck as he very gently kissed her there. "Oh Ash this is perfect! Thank you." They both sat down to eat while Brock stayed out of their way and was making his special Pokemon food for Pikachu and a few of his Pokemon that he had let out of their Pokeballs. He only interrupted them once, calling from the kitchen, "Let out your Pokemon guys, I'm making them dinner." Within a few minutes a swarm of Ash and Misty's Pokemon flooded the kitchen. There was at least 17 Pokemon in the kitchen so it was good that Brock had been prepared to make a lot. Back in the dinning room Ash was concentrating hard on Misty. He wanted to burn every aspect of her into his mind so that he would remember the way she looked and smelled and the cute way she blushed redder than her hair when she wad embarrassed forever. He didn't want to ruin her birthday but he was going to be leaving for a while and so was Brock. He never wanted to forget the little things about her that made her perfect. "Misty, before you and I started dating I promised Brock that I'd help him finally get out there as a world class breeder and we will we leaving tomorrow. I have no idea when we will be back it could be months or longer before we can get stuff going. So I want this night to be one you'll remember." He said with a pang of deep sadness in his voice. He really didn't want to leave Misty and she could tell...and she didn't want him to go. Her heart was breaking. Ash handed her her present. "Happy birthday baby." She blushed at his choice of words and then slowly unwrapped the gift. When she saw what was inside she burst into tears. " that a Togepi egg?" He nodded. "I went to get Togetic for you because I knew you really missed him. Togetic didn't want to leave but he did want you to have this. He and his mate had two eggs and he insisted you have this one." Misty lay

the egg on the table and gave Ash a hug. "That's the best present I could have gotten." She cried. He pulled her into his lap and gently kissed her. "Ash...please don't leave me." She whispered. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me." This time Ash's heart broke. "You're my everything Misty and I don't want to leave you...but I promised Brock. I don't ever go back on a promise." Misty suddenly got an idea and a grin graced her face.

"Can I go with you? It'll be just like old times, the three of us traveling together." Ash hadn't even thought of that. "But what about Cerlulean Gym?" "My sisters can handle it there, I'm not letting a gym get in the way of true love!" She squealed, not meaning to say that last part out loud. "True love huh? Really?" Ash said with a teasing grin. "Uh...forget I said that last part." Ash just grinned wider. "Oh I'll be sure to tell everybody in Cerlulean City that their gym leader told me I was her true love." He teased. "Ash Ketchum if you tell a soul I said that I will-" Ash laughed and cut Misty's rant off short with a passionate kiss which she fully returned. When they came up for air he said "I'm so glad your coming with me. I would have missed this." "I'm sure." She giggled. Brock smiled to himself, having heard the entire conversation from the kitchen. He was so happy that the three of them would be out on another adventure together.

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