Problem at the Pokecenter

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Chapter 2: Problem at the Pokecenter

The next day Misty packed her things and pulled her red locks into her usual side ponytail. Looking herself over for a while she sighed. She was happy to be back with Ash and Brock, but traveling was going to be so weird after spending the last 9 years as a Gym Leader. She grabbed her backpack, gently wrapped her Togepi egg in her arms and set out to Ash's house. When she got there Brock pulled out a map. "Ash and I decided that since I grew up in Pewter City that we should try there first. In order to get there we will need to stay the night in Veridian." Misty looked down at her feet, a smile tugging at her lips. "That's where you and I first met, Ash." Ash grinned. "I know. Down by that river that runs between Pallet and Veridian." "Down by? More like IN that river, I caught you with my fishing line remember?" She laughed. "Oh yeah." He said, joining in with her laughter. Ash would never forget that day. The very same day that he started his Pokemon journey and the day he got Pikachu. It was a rough day but it went down as one of Ash's fondest memories. How could it not? Even though a lot had gone wrong, it was the day he'd been blessed with Pikachu and Misty...his best friend and the love of his life. Brock marked the direct route on the map, Ash hugged his mother goodbye, and they headed out. Pikachu nestled himself in Ash's hair and Misty held his hand, her other arm still protectively coiled around her Togepi egg. Brock was beginning to feel very left out. About 15 minutes passed before Brock pulled out a Pokeball. Sudowoodo popped out and Brock cried "You'll love me, right Sudowoodo?" "Sudo!" It replied with a nod, jumping into Brock's outstretched arms. Ash and Misty exchanged funny looks before asking "Are you...okay, Brock?" Brock sniffled. "I'm peachy...I swear, if I don't find a girl soon I'll just marry Sudowoodo." Brock whined sarcastically. Sudowoodo, however, took it to heart.  He gave Brock a big peck on the lips. Brock dropped Sudowoodo. "Gah! Are you nuts?! I was kidding, you're a boy and a Pokemon!" Sudowoodo burst into tears. "Aw c'mon, you haven't cried like that since you were a Bonsly! Sudowoodo!" He called after it as it ran off sobbing. "Way to go, Brock." Ash said with a snicker, watching his friend chase his Pokemon down the road.


They made it to their campsite, right near the river, a few hours later. Brock had managed to get Sudowoodo to get back in his Pokeball. "He won't forgive you easily." "I know..." Brock groaned. Misty ignored them and looked out at the river. She'd never realized how special it was to her until she was there, gazing into it and remembering that day. "Pika-chu...pika!" Pikachu snickered. Ash patted Pikachu on the head with a chuckle. "Whassup Misty?" Ash asked as he turned his attention away from his humiliated friend. "Just...reminiscing." She said with a happy sigh. Ash smirked and pulled her into a hug from behind. "Why are you so perfect?" He asked sweetly, nuzzling his face into her neck. Misty blushed. "Viridian holds a special place in my's part of us." "Misty, I love you." She turned around and kissed him lightly. I love you too." After getting the campsite set up, Brock decided to go on a nature walk and leave Ash and Misty alone. Now it was Pikachu's turn to feel a little neglected. Pikachu was used to having 100% of Ash's attention. While he liked Misty very much, he did NOT like all the drooling Ash did over her. Pikachu understood as best a Pokemon could, but deep down he felt like he was loosing his best friend. In order to take Ash's mind off his girlfriend, he took his hat off Ash's head and ran into the forest with a mischievous grin that Ash new all too well. "Aw Pikachu, give me back my hat!" He chuckled softly, chasing his playful Pokemon into the woods, leaving Misty alone. She sighed. Ash really did love Pikachu. She had always adored the fact that he seemed to care for Pokemon more than anyone she'd ever met. Ash chased Pikachu for a few minutes before Ash grabbed a hold of his hat and Pikachu flung himself into Ash's arms. Ash nuzzled him gently, wishing he held Pikachu like this more often. Pikachu then leaned up and tenderly licked Ash's cheek. "I love you Pikachu, don't ever forget that." With these words Pikachu was content and the two returned to the campsite. Suddenly they heard yelling and ran to go see what was wrong. When they got there Misty screamed and had to turn away. Brock was naked and attempting to get out of a river. Angry that Brock had defiled

his girlfriends eyes,AND their special river, he hissed "What the hell are you doing?!" Brock tried to explain. "I saw the river and wanted to take a quick dip, but as soon as I got in the water Sudowoodo popped from his Pokeball, stole my clothes, and ran into that Pokecenter over there! I screamed because I knew a hot nurse was probably in there and I don't want to be embarrassed in front of her.... Will you go get my clothes?" Ash gritted his teeth. "No, go get them yourself! I don't want to touch things you have been naked in!!" at the insanely nasty image of Brock in the nude Misty fainted.  "Great, see what you did?! Go get your clothes!" Ash said, picking Misty up bridal style and taking her back to the tent. Brock used his Pokeball to cover his penis and gingerly walked into the Pokecenter. "Sudowoodo?" He whispered. "Sudowoodo? Where the fuck are my clothes?!" All Sudowoodo heard was fuck and he came running into view. He got right in front of Brock and bent over. "Sudo!" He said happily, thinking he had won. "GAH!!! No Sudowoodo! I didn't mean it like that!" Brock forgot to whisper and this attracted Nurse Joy to the scene. "Goodness! Get out! There is no business for that type of behavior here mister!" Nurse Joy yelled. Brock turned to see the most beautiful Nurse Joy ever. He turned beat red. "No you don't understand! My Sudowoodo stole my clothes and hid them in this Pokecenter and now he wants to do naughty things and all I want are my freaking clothes man!" He rambled. "Right.....Security!" She yelled. Brock got down in his knees. "Please no, I just want my clothes. Just help me find them and I'll be out of your hair, I promise." Nurse Joy sighed. She called for her Chansey and asked her to fetch Zorua. She ordered Zorua to sniff out Brock's clothes. Zorua sniffed Brock's butt for a few minutes and gave his butthole a nice lick before scampering off to find the clothes. "Jeez what is with all these Pokemon today? Must be mating season." Brock said as he whipped the saliva from his tush. Zorua came back with Brock's clothes in his mouth but refused to give up the underware so Brock let him keep them and went commando. Suddenly Team Rocket burst in. "To protect the world from devistation," "To unite all people's within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love," "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! That's right!" Brock suddenly got very scared. Ash usually fought these battles not him. "We are here for Zorua! We heard he is the strongest Pokemon in all of Veridean!" Joy looked very worried and clutched Zorua tightly. In order to impress her, Brock decided to help. "That Pokemon licked my anus! That makes me closer to him than I am with most girls! I shall not let you take him!" Brock said trying to sound heroic but instead coming across as if he'd had sex with more Pokemon that humans. He threw his Pokeball and out popped Vulpix. "Use flamethrower!!" The flames melted team rocket and they basted off again. Joy turned to Brock. "You might be pervy, but you saved my Zorua. Thank you." She said kissing his cheek. "Besides, he's liked my anus many times but I've never protested." Joy was hot AND had a Pokemon fetish? To Brock that made her an angel. "Oh Joy, marry me and we can live on a Pokemon breeding farm where we can screw Zorua and my Vulpix all night long." He exclaimed excitedly. "I will!" Joy yelled happily. "Well what do you know...there is someone out there as kooky as Brock." Ash said, having just walked in and witnessed the disturbing proposal. Well this was getting to be an interesting adventure.


"No harm ever came from reading a book." -Evelyn Carnahan, The Mummy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2012 ⏰

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