Chapter 2-Classes

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Are classes boring? Maybe so. I mean, why come to school when notes and stuff are already in textbooks and everything is already self-explanatory? It's a waste of time. Oh, of course I'm not saying that studying isn't important but let's be honest here-Most of the teachers leave out important stuff and go on talking about their life story. Sadly, good teachers are rare these days. I still like it though which really makes me a weirdo doesn't it? My chain of thoughts were being interrupted by a few light tappings on my table. I looked up.

"Yamaguchi-san, do you need to wash your face? You're not usually like that, unlike them." Takagi-sensei shot a frown to some boys seated at the back of the class. "Now, back to the topic." I shook my head.

Oh please no, now at least half of the class is staring at me. After adjusting his spectacles, Takagi-sensei made his way to the chalkboard.

The bell rang and you know what that means-Lunch. Finally! I unzipped my bag and fished out the cookies which I had baked last night. Mum and I couldn't finish all of them so I had no choice but to use them as my lunch. No matter though, I love cookies.

For lunchtime, everyone would gather into their respective cliques. Unfortunately for me, I don't have one so I usually find myself wandering around the school or playing my guitar on the roof until lunch break is up. It isn't exactly sad, it's actually really relaxing unless there are pupils running around and throwing erasers at each other.

Even though I don't do what the other's do, lunch break is still my favourite period. Not because I can bond with friends, because I obviously don't have many, but because it is a time where I can just calm down.

Another good thing is that I can use the extra time to revise my work or complete the homework which was given earlier sometimes. That only happens if I don't feel like moving. Although it does get a little noisy in the class sometimes. Which can be pretty distracting...



We're terribly sorry for not updating for so long:( Especially me since my studies aren't as good as Chloe's but thanks for reading!

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