Chapter 7-His House

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I walked out of the classroom and was soon out of the school gates. What should I have later? Cookies Or Ice-cream? Or maybe some instant noodles? I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I did not notice a shiny black limousine that could have knocked me over if I had walked another step out of the school gates. As one of the windowscreen winded down, a tuft of red hair could be seen before revealing the person in the backseat of the car.

Akashi Seijuro.

"Hello, Yamaguchi. Are you free to discuss the Art project with me now?" I could feel the glares of a hundred fangirls on me, looking for a chance to tear me to shreds. Yandere mode y'know. I felt a little uneasy but I did not let that get to me too much. I'm very free now anyway so why not? Ignoring the murderous stares of his rabid fangirls, I got into the limousine and we were headed off to his house.

Where am I? Where is this place? Are we still in Japan? Questions bombarded my mind as I stared in awe. As we stepped into the gates, the lush green grass patch greeted us. I looked up and noticed that the house was made entirely out of bricks! So cool! You can really tell that it has AT LEAST five spacious rooms. With a tint of coziness, it is obvious that this house has went through a lot with the many different memories which shaped it into what it is now.

We stepped into the doorway and we were greeted by the household's butler. An almost unnoticeable smile tugged at Akashi's lips as the butler greeted, "Good evening Akashi-sama, Yamaguchi-sama, I am the butler of the Akashi household. My name is Saito" Saito-san paused for a moment to smile. "Welcome, to the Akashi household."

Ah, this must be what it's like to be the master. How nice. It's so much better than those dramas where the head of the family abuses the servants for his own amusement. That's just wrong.

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