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After school I dropped Brandy off at her moms house,  She said She hasn't spoke to her in a while,  and decided to call her up. I drove to one of my condos and walked in. The baby shower is tomorrow and shit need to be perfect frfr,  my daughter almost here B. She need the world!  "Wussup y'all!? " I smiled at the crew

"Damn finally yo ass here,  I need a brake! " Dess pops fly walking past me

"I'm docking pay! " I laugh

"Hollup!!!  We gettin paid?! " Ashliegh turn her head from hanging the 'It's a Girl ' poster up. I nod in approval " Oh shit!  You can take ya breaks,  but I'm gone work! " Ash flips her weave getting ghetto.  I laugh,  these girls are hell! 

We All set up the huge living room in pink and chocolate colors.  To be honest,  Brandy was gone love this!  Tee decorated a special rocking chair for Brandy with a few bows and shit.  I set up a table that would be filled with gifts,  Bryce brought food and put it in the fridge,  Timothy lye out a pink carpet and put ribbons in place were Tee instructed,  and Dess finally arose from her stank attitude and helped.  By 7:45 everything was complete and ready for tomorrow!  "Damn we did good " Ash smiled standing next to me admiring the view....  "NOW where my cut,  gas ain't cheap and babies at either! " She hissed breaking the silence. -____- I swear She a gold digger!!! 

As everybody walked out the front door they were handed $250 each for their hard work.  Now It's time to Go home to my baby ♡.


" No,  I don't want NO scrub. 

A scrub is a guy who can't NO love from me. 

Riding of the passenger side in his best friend ride. 

Trynna holla' at meee!  " I sang making two plates of my famous Spaghetti with sliced Earl Campbell sausages, Toasted Garlic bread,  with freshly squeezed lemonade. 

It's now 8:15, my boo should be here in less than 5 minutes.  As soon as I set our plates in the living room and turned on the t.v. , like clockwork Zk came marching in.  "Wussup fat baby?! " He kissed my lips. Even tho I hate that ridiculous name with a passion,  I still kissed his juicy lips. 

"Yo ass finally made it, now come on I made ya plate! " I said sitting down on the coach,  crossing my legs.  Zk kicked off his shoes and jacket and sat next to me. 



As I got out the shower I patted myself dry and got dressed...  Wow Bruh,  I'm gone be a daddy in less than two months...  I gotta make shit right,  make shit official.  Tbh,  I done dropped EVERY hoe possible for Brandy.  I can't loose her nor my daughter!  I'll do anything!  I know She gone be happy af about this baby shower tomorrow,  I put my everything in it.

"Babyy!! " I heard Brandy yell out from the room. 

"Here I Come! " I yell back walking into the room. 

"Wooooaahh,  baby what's wrong??  You Good? " I asked running over to her.  She was bending over at the foot of the bed holding her stomach. 

"Yeah I'm fine,  Im just feeling pains in my back " She was breathing heavily

"You sure?  You wanna gone go to the hospital?? " I was getting nervous.  What if it was time?  Oh SHIT!! 

"No It's fine,  I'm just gonna lay down.  Baby massage my back " I picked her up and layed her down doing as commanded.

After a while She calmed down and everything was Okay...  "I love you fat moma " I kissed her forehead.  and got in bed.

"I love you too daddy " ♥



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