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Hoody POV:

I watched Masky walk out the door and at that exact moment i was tackled by who seemed to be Ben. He gets up off of me giggles and says "Hahaha got you hoody!" i look at him give him a warm smile and say "Yup you sure did,but you better watch your back ill get you when you least expect it." i give him a devilish smile then all of a sudden he punches me in the face. "You werent expecting that now were you." He floats upstairs before i could get him back. i walk into the living room, sitt on the couch nd turn on the TV. i watch SpongeBob for about 15 minutes when Sally comes running through the door crying. She runs up to me and hugs me tightly sobbing. i hug her back and ask in a really worried voice "whats wrong Sally-Boo, ssshhhh its ok whats wrong?????" I rub her back slowly in circles and she says through sobs "I-i was p-playing when j-jeffy jumped out from b-behind a t-tree and s-scared me!" She starts sobbing really loudly and i keep rubbing her back i tell her everythings ok and to tell me where Jeff is. I sit her on the couch and let her watch SpongeBob as i set out  to find Jeff...............

Haha sorry guess theres sorta a cliff hanger i gtg to school ill update once i get home BYE ILY ALL!!!!

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