Maskys POV

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Maskys POV:

We were just coming back from stalking when my cell rings. Its Hoody, i answer and he starts panicking telling me Sally was cutting herself that we need to hurry back. I start crying and running as fast as i can leaving the others way behind m. i finally reach the house but dont stop running. i burst through the door run into the living room to fing hoody crying, tucking our precious sally in. i run up to him and hug him extremely tight and cry on his shoulder, he does the same thing. we stand like that for about an hour and a half until the others come rushing in. Jeffs the first one in the living room he finds us hugging and csobbing. He looks over at the couch and realizes Sallys arms are wrapped and covered with blood. He walks over to us and we do a group hug. He just kept repeating "n-n-no this cant h-have happened." The rest all come rushing in, Ben falls to the floor sobbing loudly as he saw sally. Jack started punching kicking and screaming. he punched and kicked almost everything he could find then finally fell to his knees crying. Slenderman just walked up to his room and locked the door behind him. I look at everyone and run off outside and dont stop running until i come to the place where Hoody an I watched the sunset. I started screaming "NO SALLY!!! S-SALLY NO!!!UUUGGGHH! WHY WHY IN THE HELL!" I sit on the grass sobbing and reach for the knife in my pocket, i put it on my wrist and make three huge cuts. Then out of no where two people scream "NOOOO!" and they rip the knife out of my hand and embrace me in a hug. It was Hoody and Jack. i say to them "H-how....w-why did this have to happen to her,j-just w-why, i love her s-so much!" They just cry and say "Idk"

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