Chapter 11

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Pulling into school the following Monday was hell. I felt awful. I was still coughing up blood which sure as hell wasn't normal but the result's from El's doctor hadn't come in yet. She of course didn't know all the symptoms I was currently having either. I refused to let anyone know besides the doctor. If Harry found out he'd come home for sure and be at risk of getting fired. He didn't need anything else to worry about but his career, I was fine...this just had to be the flu or something. I'd be fine....the baby would be fine...I had to believe that, for the sake of my own sanity at least. 

"Cryssy!" I flinched at the sound of my name. The sound of heavy shoes slowly became louder until Liam stood proudly at my side. He was wearing the leather jacket I'd gotten him for his birthday last month and grinned his normal smile. "What's up- oh wow Cryssy are you sick? You look like a ghost" he frowned. 

I waved him off and grabbed my books from the back of Harry's car. "Just a touch of a cold. Plus it's Monday" I replied casually, forcing a smile but Liam didn't buy it. 

"That can't be good for the baby" he reasoned but I brushed it off. 

"It's fine, I'll be visiting the doctor again soon. I'm sure he can help me if anything" I answered, trying not reveal my stuffy nose by breathing to hard but my books felt increasingly heavy as the days went by. 

"Oh give me those" Liam smiled, pulling my books away and tucking them under his arm. 

"Thanks" I sighed, adjusting my messenger bag. Liam waved it off with another of his killer smiles. 

"Of course, besides what kind of guy would I be if I just let you carry them yourself?"

I chuckled lightly as he walked me to my first period. I missed his game Friday so I told him to give me a play by play, which he did with his same old childlike enthusiasm he's always had. Apparently they won by a landslide. They were down two by the end of the first quarter but after that it was smooth sailing. I apologized for missing it before Liam headed off to his class. It would be a long day but at least I had a decent way of starting it off. Liam always had a way of brightening a morning. 

Sadly the morning was the brightest part of my day. I struggled my way through my first two classes but by noon I had to go home. I couldn't take it anymore. I was barely scraping by now. The sickness was tearing me apart.

I made myself a light salad when I got home and settled on the couch, placing the bowl on the coffee table when I had finished and turning on the tv, I was quick to fall asleep but it only last a few hours when I was awaken by horrible nausea. 

I muttered a few profanities as I ran to the hall bathroom. Quickly dropping to my knees as I began to sputter out my stomach's contents into the toilet. I cursed again and leaned against the wall opposite the toilet in my small guest bathroom, only moving to take out my vibrating cell phone a few moments after. 

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Babe" The sound of Harry's sweet voice on the other end of the line made me smile despite feeling deathly. 

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