Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm including Sophitz (which is the air I breathe), Sokeefe (or Keefester (because my friend thinks it okay, and Sodex moments in this story.

Sophie's POV

"You didn't forget that you agreed to come over to Everglen, right?" I feel a warm hand on my elbow. I turn. Biana has a rather stern look on her face that reminds me of Councillor Alina. I shudder inwardly.

"Of course I won't," I assure her, though I'm more worried that she'll shatter my arm into a million pieces if I decline the offer.

"Good, because Della made at least a hundred batches of mallowmelt just for you." I perk up. Biana grins. "Come on," she says as she pulls me through the beam of blinding light. "Everglen!" she yells. 

"Hey girls," Keefe smirks at us as we emerge. I flinch, remembering all too well about the Neverseen. "Come on, don't be like that, Foster. It was just for show." I nod. Keefe had learned all the Neverseen's secrets, strategies, and anything else that was important, stole back the cache, and escaped back to Foxfire.

Fitz strode up. "Come on! Let's go play base quest." I nod again and try not to think about how nice he looked today.

"I call Sophie!" Biana just manages to shout, even before anyone else had just opened their mouth. Keefe groans. "Well, you're obviously going to win." 

Fitz nudged him. "I'm not so sure about that."

Biana smiled a wicked smile. "We'll see." As soon as we could, we raced to a Pure. I got on uneasily, remembering that I passed out from falling out of a tree before. "Climb! Climb!" Biana whisper-shouted. I shrugged and jumped onto the tree and climbed.

"Listen, I know that you-"

I shushed her as I heard a faint rustle below. "Jump off from the sides," I whispered to her. She nodded.

"3...2...1!" I run down a thick branch and jump of the middle, rolling to the ground. Fitz turns toward me in surprise and I give him an evil smile.

"Your rolling skills have improved," he admits. "But your running skills haven't." I speed off and don't look back. I feel an arm on my shoulder, and I struggle frantically to get to Biana. Then I fall limp , but in my mind I start making the strategy for the next game.

Keefe jogs over. He sees Fitz's look of triumph and shouts, "We won!" Biana untangles herself from another tree and drops lightly to the ground. "Come in!" we hear Della shout. We all dash toward the house.

Della's holding a huge plate of mallowmelt and a slightly smaller plate filled with custard bursts. I lick my lips. "Take what you want, I'm eating the rest."

Keefe piled his plate up with food. "Don't want Foster eating it all." he says with a wink in my direction. I blush. Fitz and Biana fill their plates and I take one. I scoop all the remaining snacks and shove them into my mouth. "Mmmm." I manage to say. Della chuckled.

After filling my stomach, I jump up. "Let's go play base quest!" Biana beams and they follow me. "Foster's on my team." I glare at Keefe. Biana shrugs. "Okay. Go hide." She has a mischievous glint in her eye. Keefe takes off, and I follow suit.

We hide behind some bushes. I hear a faint stream of thoughts and lean closer, as if I can hear Fitz better. (Thoughts are in Italic) Need to tell her, need to tell her. Matchmaking's coming up soon, so- I jerk back, stifling a yelp of pain as my hair gets stuck in a thorn.

"I'm going to run." Keefe whispers at me, then sprints away, leaving me alone. But I can hear Biana  and Fitz getting closer and closer, and, unlike Keefe had planned, was still heading in my direction. I sneak out and run as fast as I can. Biana's prowling like a lioness and Fitz is chatting with the newly-arrived Linh.

Her black and silver hair sways as she leans in and- Biana spys me. "Fitz!" Fitz turned away with his face flushed, Linh frowning in disappointment, and chases after me. I'm ahead, until Biana blocks my way and Fitz comes up behind me. There is a sound coming from another place, and Biana takes off after one glance at her brother.

Fitz lunges at me and I brace myself. He breaks the contact and I can see Linh give me a weak, but encouraging smile. Tam flashes a smile at Biana. She has a faint red tint on her cheeks from running in the bitterly cold wind.

Tam puts his arm around Marella and their lips just brush, not intense like- I blush fiercely. Keefe notices and frowns. Marella waves at me, she became a lot nicer since she and Tam started dating. I smile, remembering their red blush when we caught them kissing, and I had gasped.

A bright light shines and I take a surprised step back. "What, not happy to see me?" I smirk when I see Dex. He notices Linh and a sharp, red tint colors his cheeks.

A shadow comes over us and Magnate Leto (or Mr. Forkle, or Sir Astin, whatever you want to call him, but I'm going to use the name of the form he takes) stares at us. "I have something very, very important to tell you."

A/N: Sorry, this is my first time writing a fanfic. It's probably horrible.

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