Backstage VIP

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Brooklyns pov

I just finished taking photos and videos with everyone and earlier Bart told me that the guys don't know that I'm the girl who got the the backstage vip and that they only know it's a girl.

If I am being totally honest I kinda am falling for Taylor...

"Thank you everyone!" All the boys said and ending the show. All the fans cheered and started emptying the area.

Some one tapped me on the shoulder, "hey come with me" Bart told me. I guess it's finally time.

Nash's pov

"Guys who else is frickin waiting for the vip fan to come?" I say.
"Um all of us" a couple guys said.

Just then I heard Bart coming in the door.

Brooklyns pov

I hear Bart talking to the guys....

"Are you guys ready?"
"Yeas" they say.

"You can come in now" Bart says to me.
"Uh ok" I say nervous for some reason.

Then I hear gasps and I walk in fully.

"Omg..." Taylor says.
"I knew it" Nash says.
"Hi..." I say not knowing what to say.

The next thing I know Nash comes over and takes my hand and LEDs me to the couch.
I sit on the ground where all the boys are.

"So only a couple of us know your name but we want to know more. Shot that sounded creepy." Nash said laughing.

"Well my name is Brooklyn D Simpson, I'm 16 and I live towards the border of Washington and Cali."
"That is the most beautiful name ever" Taylor says to me.
"Thank you" I say and smile.
"Not as beautiful as you"Nash says.
"I'm not beautiful or pretty" I state,
"Um have you looked in a mirror lately?" Taylor says coming over and putting his hand on my back.

It makes me feel safe.

"Yes and I don't understand why people say I'm pretty?" I say and look down.

For everyone to know what I look like; I have brown long hair that reaches half way down my stomach, brown eyes, freckles, and I wear my glasses a lot.

"Well you sure don't seem to notice" Nash says.

"Hey can I ask you something" cam says.
"Yea sure"
"Do you know what the D stands for in your name?"
"Actually no... But that's a story I am not willing to share at this moment" I look down.
"No no look at me, it's fine" he says we a reassuring smile.

"Hey why don't we go back to our hotel room and play truth or dare?" Carter says to break the silence.
"Yea sure" everyone said.

At the hotel

"Okay Taylor truth or dare" carter says.
"Dare" he says being a rebel.
"Okay, I dare you to hold hands with Brooklyn for two minutes" he replies.
"Okay I'm fine with that" he says and laughs. He comes over and Aaron scoots over so he can sit. He then held my hand and then I think I might've blushed.

"Brooklyn, truth or dare?" Cam says,
"Truth" I say.
"Who in this room do you have a crush on?" He says and smirks.
"Well, um, frick..." I say "um I would have to say either Taylor or Nash"
"Oh we have competition" cam says.

Taylor looks over and smirks and points his eyes down to our hands signaling it's been two minutes. Then he comes over and whispers...
"We can still hold hands if you want" I not my head yes and we continue.

"Truth or dare" I ask cam.
"Truth" he says.
"I am going to switch it around and ask would you ever date a fan?"
"Well, um yeah if they aren't to obsessive" he replies and smirks.

1 hour later

Taylor's pov

"Hey dude look down next to you" Aaron says.

Brooklyns head is on my shoulder sleeping. She looks so peaceful and adorable.... Wait what did I just say?!

"I don't want to wake her what should I do" I ask.
"Just let her sleep here tonight" Aaron said.

I gently pick her up bridesmaids style and place her on my bed and I go change into pjs.
I then come out and lay right next to her letting her head lay on my chest.

In the morning

I wake up and see my phone light up and look down and see Brooklyn still sleeping.
I reach over and grab my phone and see I have five Twitter notifications. I check them and notice it's 8:30 and I should probably wake Brooklyn up.

"Brooklyn, hey wake up"
"Wa-" she starts to freak a bit.
"Hey hey listen you fell asleep while playing truth or dare last night and I didn't know and didn't want to wake you up." I say to her softly.
"Oh thanks" she says while wiping her eyes and stretching.

She is god dang cute... Stop saying stuff like that Tay.

Brooklyns pov

I wake up in someone's bed and being woken up by, wait, no, omg Taylor. He told me I fell asleep while playing the game and dint want to wake me up. I look down and see he doesn't have a shirt on and I felt like I was going to pass out, he is so hot! Omg.

"Hey can I ask you something" I asked Taylor?
"Yea sure" he said.
"Should I tell the guys especially cam about my story?"
"If you ready and if you want" he said.

I get out of bed and get changed; yellow halter top, jean shorts and a cream cardigan.

"Can everyone come into Taylor's room please?" I yell to everyone.

Long chapter today hope you all like it! 

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