hes finally here!

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Brooklyn's POV

Matt is driving us to mall, because well we agreed on it. We are spending the day together.

"We are here" Matt says to me.
"Where do you want to go first?" I ask him.
"Wanna get lunch first?" He says.

I nod and he brings me to Chick F'a La! (Don't hate I have never been there so idk if I spelt it right!)

After lunch, I said that I was going into Forever 21 and said he would come.

"Omg this is so cute!" I say and sling it onto my arm.
"Little b is getting edgy, I like it!" He laughs.

I pick up a couple other things and I go and try them on.

Is it wrong that Matt came into he same dressing room? I mean I was only trying on tops and wanted his opinion.

Matt's POV

Is it wrong to go into the dressing room with her? I mean she's like my own sister, its not like I have feelings for her, which to clear up I don't.

"How's this?" Brooklyn asks?
"I like it" I say and laugh.
"Okay" she tries on another one.

Its not like I am staring at her, I am on my phone.

Brooklyn's POV

"How about this?"

I tired on a light blue, flowy crop top.

"You look be-eautiful b!" He says staring.
"Awe thanks Matt! Thanks for coming."
"Of course o would come, your my Lil sis." He says and hugs me.

After trying on the stuff Matt took my stuff and I looked at him.

"What ate you doing?" I question him.
"Going to pay" he said simple as that.
"Uh no this is my stuff I pay" I say.
"Nope I am" Matt insists.
"I don't want you to" I say.
"Well I am" he says and kisses my forehead.

I got the blue flowy crop top
Gray cardigan
Crystal necklace
And a sunflower off the shoulder sweater.

We went into Underaromor which is mainly for Matt.

He picks up three things and I instantly take them and run to the cashregistar and pay for them.

"B what the hell" he asks and laugh s.
"What do you mean?" I say inncesntly and hang him the bag.
"You just wanted to pay for me to get even I see" he says and kisses my forehead.
"Get in" he says and we head home.

I walk up to the door with Matt and head inside.

"Hello beautiful" Shawn says and kisses me.
"Hey buba" I say and gigggle.
"Hey Matt have fun with his trouble maker?" He says to Matt.
"Well yes and I diffently saw her trouble side."
"What do you mean?" Shawn says and stares at me with my grin.

"We went to forever 21 and I pasted frp her stuff even though she didn't want me to. Then we went to underarmor and she grabbed my stuff and played just to get even." He says and hugs me.

"Awe Matthew don't get all played up with this!" I say and I head to my room.

I hear my phone ring and almost pass out.

"Shawn!!!!" I scream and run so fast downstairs.

Right when I get downstairs I see him, omg!


Today is Columbus day and I had the day off so I made this chapter. If you didn't catch on on my earlier chapter, Aaron was supposed to move in with them but not right away. Wait till my new chapter to find out why!

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