#4 He cheats pt2

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Ashton: After crying for what seemed like hours you finally fell asleep. the next morning you woke up to yell. "You broke her heart of course she doesn't want to see you!" you heard your brother yell. "Please let me see her I know I screwed up but I just want to apologize to her! I don't mind if she never wants to see me again but I just need to tell her I love her and that i'm sorry as hell for what I did!" Ashton pleaded. you softened down your hair a little before you went down stairs too see what was happening. as soon as Ashton saw you he pushed past Luke . but he ended up being to slow as Luke slammed him against the wall well holding him up by his collar. "Don't you dare even try talking to her!" He growled at Ashton pushing him into the wall even harder. "No I want to hear his attempt at apologizing for cheating on me." you said crossing your arms. Luke looked at you to make sure you actually wanted to hear his apologies. you nodded your head and Luke shoved him to you making Ashton stumble a bit. he looked at you and took a deep breath. "Y/N , I am so sorry for what I did. if I could go back in time and relive that moment I swear I wouldn't have cheated on you. as soon as I realized what I had done and seen the hurt and betrayal in your eyes I knew that I had broken your heart. I know you probably won't forgive me but I wanted you to know that I still and will always love you with my entire heart mind and soul. I am so sorry that I hurt you how I did." he said looking me in the eyes the entire time. I walked up to him and slapped him across the face " that's what you get for cheating on me," then you grabbed his face and kissed him, " and that's what you get for realizing what you have done that hurt me so much and admitting that you were sorry and broken!" you said kissing him again. he kissed back just as powerful as how you had. You pulled apart and heard Luke clear his throat. "Okay since you forgive him I need to say something." he said pausing for a second. "Hurt my sister again and you won't ever see this family again got it Irwin?" Luke hissed making Ashton nod. Ashton promised that he would never hurt you again

Luke: You stopped at a creek on a trail not far from where your and Luke's house is. you sat on a rock that was hanging over the water. you and Luke used to come here all the time since it was the place were you guys shared your first kiss"Y/N!!" you heard someone shout from a little bit away. Luke. you sighed as you prepared to be yelled at for running away. you heard the footsteps he closer until they stopped. Two strong arms wrapped around you pulling you into a hug. "I'm am so so so sorry for cheating on you and calling you annoying." Luke whispered in your ear. "I'm sorry for being clingy. it's just as a child I was bullied a lot and no one really paid any attention to me and I felt left out. so with you being on tour and all I just felt like I needed to spend a lot of time with you." you said back to him. "oh babe, your not clingy. I was just stressed out and I ended up hurting the one I love most!" Luke cried softly into your neck. you turned around and hugged him properly. " just p-please never ch-cheat again." you stuttered from the cold air. " I promise. now let's get you inside before you freeze." He said picking you up bridal style

Calum: Ashton let you stay the night after telling him about what happened. When you woke up you realized that you had no clothes. Thank god I woke up before Ashton you thought. You left a note saying you went to go get some clothes and will be back soon. When you got to your and Calum's shared flat you quietly snuck inside. You heard crying and it was coming from your room. crap. you thought. Calum's probably up there. you went up stairs and saw Calum's in a ball in the corner. You gasped as you saw him. He looked up and saw you. His eyes were blood shot and his cheeks were tear stained. "Y/N?" he said his voice cracking a bit. "Y-yeah..." you said, tears welling in your eyes. Calum instantly jumped up and gave you a hug. "I am so s-so so sorry b-baby. I love you s-so m-much" he muttered into your hair. you wrapped your arms around him. you felt that if you let go he would fall to pieces. he sobbed into your neck as he apologized a thousand times. "Shh Shh it's okay. I forgive you. i'm not leaving again." you whispered into his ear. That night you spent cuddling with each other and apologizing.

Michael: After staying at your friends place for a while you decided to go back home and let the jerk explain himself. You thanked your best friend and left. when you got home you instantly smelt alcohol. "Michael?" you called. all you got back was sobbing. you went up stairs and found Michael on the floor crying. you gasped and ran over to him. he got up just as you hugged him. "Oh my god Y/N I am so stupid! you shouldn't even have came back here! I don't deserve you." Michael cried into your hair. "It's okay. it was a mistake." Just never do it again or I won't be coming back" you said. he nodded. he never ever cheated on you again.

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