#5 He makes you insecure pt1

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Ashton: tonight was the night of the boys first award show. Ashton had invited you to come along. You accepted his offer and went to get a dress. You got light Blue dress with ruffles on the skirt. it was also tight around the hips so it made you look like you had a bigger bum. "Y/N come on we're gonna be late!" you heard Ashton yell as yo were just finishing your make up. "Coming!" you yelled back. you grabbed your baby blue strap platforms and went down stairs. when you saw Ashton he had a big smile on his face but once he saw you it vanished. "so what do you think?" you asked twirling a little. "um it's... uh... a little tight around the stomach area don't you think babe?" your heart felt like it was ripped to shreds when he said that. " Um.. I'm just going to stay here. it's the only dress I have and I don't want to get any hate." you said looking down.  he nodded, kissed your head then left. once his car was out of sight you broke down crying. does he think i'm fat? does he hate me now? a million. thoughts ran through your head. you watched the awards show on t.v crying yourself to sleep.

Calum:  "Woah babe might want to slow down there. don't want to have to start wearing one piece bathing suits do we?" Calum said as you went for your third piece of pizza. your hand quickly retracted from the box. you got up with put saying a word and went to through out your plate. after throwing away your food remains you went upstairs into your shared bedroom. You locked the door and slid down the wall. He thinks your fat. you thought. he's gonna dump you for someone skinnier than me. you got up and went to the mirror looking in it. you weren't a twig but you weren't fat either. you looked at your arms. they weren't greatly toned but the were skinny. then you looked at your thighs. you didn't have a thigh gap but you were still a little muscular in your thighs. You couldn't bear to look at your stomach. you just slid down the wall and started crying.

Luke: it was your and Luke's 1 year anniversary. he took you on a trip to Bora-Bora and you loved it. the view was gorgeous and the beach was beautiful. one day Luke decided to go swimming at the beach. when you got there you noticed three girls who looked totally fake but you felt a little intmitated by them. Luke noticed that you were staring at something so he looked the same way. when he saw them his eyes practically bulged out of his head. the girls say this and popped out their chest and hips so they looked bigger. Luke continued starring at the plastics (lol I love mean girls!!) and that just made you even more self countious. You scoffed and dropped Luke's hand. You stormed back to the hotel and started packing. great anniversary! you thought as you continued packing.

Michael: You and Michael were just casually strolling through your home town well visiting your parents. Michael spotted a little Starbucks up ahead and asked if you two could go there. you giggled and pulled him into the store. you both ordered your drinks and took a seat waiting for your names to be called. Just as you sat down, the plastic from your old school walked in. She saw you and immediately came over with a smug grin on her face. "Y/N!! long time no see huh? last time I saw you you were a art freak but that was like 2 years ago. so is this your boyfriend?" she glanced over at Michael who was starring at her. "Yeah. we just are visiting. Michael this is ( Your schools plastics name).." you said trying your best not to hit her. "Nice to meet you!" she said shaking Michaels hand. "So are you like in a band or something cause you got really strong looking arms." she asked bending over so he could get a view at her cleavage. "Jesus..." he whispered to himself. you sent him a glare and stood up. "Skank!" you spat at ( Your schools plastic's name) and walk out. what a great visit.... you thought as you stormed out of the café.

A/N ok that was really hard writing because I don't think any of the boys would do that! I will update soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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