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Im sorry I broke it.
I know I dissapoint
But I'm depressed

Yes I shouldn't do what I did
Because it doesn't help
But it felt good

If it makes you feel better it was in the same spot as when I started.
I guess it's no excuse
I know it was bad
That I need to stop

It's been along time though
And I feel a little better.
But once I put it away I feel
Worse again.

Mom said I might have
She wants to put me on
Depression pills.

I guess that should be good
I need it.
Mom's under so much stress
It hurts seeing her like that.

She's told me about her suicidal thoughts...
I cry thinking about it.
She won't do it though
Because of me and my sisters.

But if we weren't there...
She might do it.
I'm afraid everytime.
Mom...she's fragile
That's why I try to stay strong.

They wonder why I take long in the shower
With the music blasting.
It's so they don't hear me cry
They think I'm happy and singing along to the words.

I broke my promise
To a friend.
She made the same

I'm sorry friend for breaking my promise.

Now is time to confess.
I cut again.

I only have 100 dollars left in my account for college.
The other 1,400 dollars
Helped mom pay for bills or food.

We are poor
We aren't going to make it
I'm not made of money

I'm stressed
I'm cutting again
So please forgive

I would forgive you.
Even if you broke that promise.


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