Chapter Eleven

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Harry's Point of View
The sun streamed through the windows, lighting behind my eyelids. I groaned softly.
I rolled over, trying to move closer to Rose.
I opened my eyelids and saw the spot she once filled was empty. I couldn't help but feel disappointment. Sitting up, I looked around.
The room was clean, all the clothes were picked up and neatly folded I'm a chair, my books straightened out, school papers stacked neatly also. I saw a small note on my nightstand. Grabbing it, I read the small message she left me.
Dear Harry,
Thank you for everything but it was best I left before anyone knew I was here. Thank you again.
I sighed and leaned back on to the bed. Damn it Rose, you should have just stayed.
I had slept better last night than I had in... A very long time. Maybe she was right about having someone else sleeping in the same bed as you. The women I usually slept with, I kicked them out as soon as we're done.
I ran my hands through my messy curls. I can't help but think when Rose was doing it last night, how soothing it was. I groaned, she was consuming my thoughts. She had been ever since she's been here. It's only been a week. It's stupid how much I'm thinking about her. Whether it be her body, her voice or her words. Something with her had her always on the forefront of my mind lately. Even the slight jealousy I get when I see her flirting with other guys is driving me mad. Why? What's so special about her? Was it because she keeps rejecting me? I've never had a girl continuously reject me like she has, aside from last night though. When I finally get to her, I want to be the only one she's thinking of. I'm not a distraction. And I knew she'd regret it and I just don't roll like that.
But aside from last night, she keeps rejecting me time after time. I've played every card I could. Maybe me being all nice and sappy for her last night will do the trick.
But what if she thought I did that all to get in her pants? I hadn't planned on any of this, it just happened. Still, what if she thought I had an inner motive?
...Did I have inner motive? Was I being nice to her last night because I wanted to have sex with her? It made no sense why I took her in like that, normally I push crying girls away. I don't know, it was almost like I cared about her. Almost. But I'm Harry Styles, I don't date. Just fuck.
Confused with my own mind, I called the only possibly person that could help me sort through the jumbled mess also known as my train of thought.
"Harry!" Gemma answered excitedly. I would never understand what it was about me that made her so happy. I've caused her a lot of grief but I won't question it.
I told her everything, everything about Rose. I left her name out, I got a little carried away and even mentioned how she looked and where she came from.
"From the looks of it, you've got a crush. A pretty big one too, how long have you've known her again?"
"About a week," I muttered. Gemma snickered from the other line
"Hush," I told her which made her laugh harder. I felt my cheeks flush at her reaction.
"Gemma, seriously," I groaned. The laughing stopped and she cleared her throat softly.
"Yeah, I know. I shouldn't laugh but didn't tell you all the sleeping around was going to bite you in the ass one day?"
I sighed in response. She did say that, word for word. It aggravated me because she was right.
"Karma, little brother, karma."
"You didn't help any."
She was silent. She was thinking and could picture her in front of me, tapping her chin with a long index finger.
"Just do what feel," she said finally. I almost laughed. Nearly.
"So wait given those instructions, I can't fuck her against the nearest wall?"
I heard choking sounds on the other side.
I smirked. "What? Just following directions."
Gemma sighed. "No, I didn't mean it like that. You seem to feeling real feelings for this girl. Not just sexual, follow the non sexual ones."
Easy for Gemma to say, she's never seen Rose.

Bad boy, Great lips//h.s.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz