The Revision

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I had just sold a ShatterGlass to Celeste, and a SorrowBlade to Krul. I looked at Kraken one more time, and she seems fiercer than ever. Kraken season is fun to watch. Both teams get to fight over this mighty beast, and the winner gets to rush triumphantly to destroy the enemy's turrets, and hopefully, their vain-crystal. I had finished my shift, and now it's the other's time to sell to our team this match. This will give me time to work on Daniel.

A couple hours later, I had finished Daniel's genetics, building his weapons and gave him as much health as I could cram into his genetics. Now I just need to clone his DNA and allow him to take physical from.

The physical DNA cloner just exploded! I completely overlooked the fact that the health increase in radioactive DNA to cover the health. The tube is fine, but Daniel! All my research for him was never saved to my computer, only to the tubes. Now the memory is completely erased!
"Hey Garrett. How's Daniel go-whoa, what happened?" said Hendrick as he walked in to the room.
"Daniel, he exploded! There's this long explanation about radiation and health, but Daniel! All my research on creating him is gone!"
"Oh no... Well maybe it's not too late. Maybe his research is still in the tubes!"
"No way, it went into sleep mode, and when it goes into sleep mode, the memory gets completely wiped. Nothing is left! Ugh, this is a disaster!"
"Hmm... Maybe not. Do you remember anything you put into his genetic code?" asked Hendrick.
"A little," I replied. "But the stuff I remember is the junk stuff, like natural shield, attack speed and health. And the health was what caused all the problems."
"Isn't that stuff usuable?"
"Yes, but it's not as important as the other things! I'm gonna have to start over!" I cried.
"Oh. Well that's too bad," said Hendrick. "I'm sorry, Garrett."
"It's ok. I have to admit, Daniel was taking too long to create to be a hero of the Halcyon Fold anyway."
Someone in the distance called our names and said that it was time for our shift again.
"C'mon, Hendrick. Let's go sell again."

When we finished our shift, Hendrick went to go eat lunch, and I went to restart on another Halcyon hero. I looked at my sketches. All of them were failures, I thought, as an interesting sketch caught my eye. It said Alpha. Pfft, that hero was a failure, just like Josiah, Terrence and Becky. But giving up on Alpha seemed like a mistake, something that I shouldn't have done. Maybe I should retry on Alpha. Maybe it will work this time.
After a couple minutes of pacing between my window and the sketch of Alpha, I had finally worked up the nerve to get Alpha's blueprint and start on her. I cleared my junk desk and slapped the blueprint onto it. Alpha wasn't like any other hero. She was a powerful robot who was no longer bound to the limits of mortality. She should be able to charge into battle without fear and ruthless precision. This made her be able to die quickly, since she has no sense to retreat from smaller battles, so I feared my time on her would be wasted because she would die. But now I planned to modify her, making her able to last very long in battle. I swear, I am not giving up on her this time. Alpha will be created at any cost.

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