Chapter 23: Big Mistake

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*Ariana's POV*

Our day couldn't have went any better.

Justin just knows how to make a girl feel special, I'm not going to lie.

He's absolutely perfect and everything a girl could want for a boyfriend.

At the same time, it scares me.

Sometimes, I don't want to get too close.

What if we break up?

Then what will I do?

I'd be broken.

I know I shouldn't be thinking of these things, I know I should be happy.

At the same time, I overthink everything.

Sometimes you can't get your hopes up, and I try not to because you never know what could happen.

But what really matters is now. We're a happy couple, and nothing has really interfered... but I'm not saying nothing will.

It does make me think sometimes.

With us both being famous, having a career, and with media and paparazzi, (you know, all the stuff that comes with fame) things can and will go wrong.

Obviously, nobody's relationship is going to be perfect.

Especially when you have people watching your every move, and waiting for you to mess up.

It was currently 10:30 p.m. on Justin and I's anniversary.

I had expected him to be home by now, but I'm not worried.

Okay, maybe I am a little.

But why am I? Justin is loyal. He knows what I expect. He knows wrong from right.

He's okay. I can trust him.

I slid my phone out of my back pocket and dialed his number, but I was sent immediately to voicemail.

"Hey Justin," I began the voicemail, "it's Ariana. I was calling to check on you. You've been gone for a while and I- I wanted to see how everything was going. I miss you. Okay, well... bye. I love you."

I sighed, then hung up and sat my phone down. I guess I'd just have to be patient.

After all, Justin is trustworthy and I have no reason to doubt him.

But I can't help it.

It's almost as if it's my job as a girlfriend to worry.

Just the fact that he could be hurt, or all the other many possibilities.

It scared me.

I decided to watch tv to try and calm my nerves, also to help the time pass.

Hopefully he'd be back anytime soon, hopefully.

*Justin's POV*

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked while pacing around, and tugging at my hair. "Ariana is probably worried sick."

I couldn't imagine what she was thinking. I would hope she has enough sense to know I'm not ignoring her, and that I didn't do this on purpose.

She knows I'd be with her in a heartbeat, she knows I love her...

She knows.

"Enough about Ariana." Caitlin said unexpectedly, and I looked up at her with confusion. She cleared her throat and continued, "I mean, there's nothing we can do about it. You'll just have to except it and wait until tomorrow. It's all good." She said.

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