Chapter 1

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"So are you ready for this love?" Ben asked, as he packed his bag on the edge of the bed.

"Nnnn," I groaned rolling over in bed. "I'm too tired for this, am I old enough to retire yet?"

He laughed, "Maybe when you're seventy, but right now you're twenty two so you're going to have to get up and get ready."

"What if I don't want to?" I whined, trying to hold back my sarcasm.

He shook his head, climbing into bed and planting sloppy kisses on my face.

I giggled, "Stop you big weirdo!"

He stopped and stared down at me with his bright blue eyes, smiling, "But I'm your weirdo."

I smiled, conquering the space between us by connecting his lips to mine. He ran his hands through my hair, slowly lifting me up off the bed and putting me down on the edge. He pulled away with a smile.

"No fair," I laughed.

"Come on, it's Warped Tour. It's gonna be fun," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fine, but only because I get to go with you," I got up and started packing my bags.


I walked through the familiar airport with Ben towards our flight. We were on our way to the Warped Tour kick off show in LA, and as much as I had downplayed it before, I was really excited about it.

I would be spending the tour taking pictures for Neck Deep and any band that commissioned me on the side to photograph them. I would also be able to work the merch table, meet some old friends and band members, and I would get to spend some time with Ben, which was always nice.

Neck Deep was playing main stage this year so it was a pretty big deal to the whole team. We couldn't wait to blow the crowd away. The band was going to go all out, well as much as Warped would let them, for the set.

Once we were on the plane, I rested my head on Ben's chest, and in turn he put his arm around my waist. I didn't look up at him, but I could tell he was smiling. It may sound stupid, but this is what we always did for foreign tours, we didn't have to say anything to each other. We just relaxed together and tried to rest up for the coming shows.


When we got to the hotel, we were greeted by what I'd say is about half of the bands playing Warped Tour this year. I was excited to see them all, Warped Tour was a big community for all of us. Most of the bands that played it didn't see each other any other time during the year unless the label let them tour together.

"Alli!" I heard someone scream, I turned to see one of my best friends Lyndsey Gunnulfsen running towards me.

"Lynn!" I jumped up onto her, nearly tackling her onto the floor as I hugged her. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Then maybe you should move to Lowell kid," she smiled, holding me up, but clearly struggling.

I hopped down, and laughed, "I'm two years older than you. If anything you're the kid small fries."

She rolled her eyes smiling at me, "And I am also a successful musician so it works out well for me."

"And I'm a successful photographer for Neck Deep and the bands they tour with," I laughed, "What's your point?"

A/N: Sorry for making you guys wait so long. Here's two chapters to make up for it.

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