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Your Pov

I continued to look for fish until my phone went of it was a twitter message from Jordan (@/GalaxyJWF).

Jordan= Hey saw the video lots of people were tweeting me about it. Love your voice by the way.

You= Thanks one thing can you do me a favour please?

Jordan= Ye sure what's up

You= just meet me outside this address (enter address)

Jordan= alright c ya soon

Awesome now that Jordan has got back to me I can surprise the boys. I quickly text Ross to tell barney and nick to go there.
        I grab my camera and start to vlog I want to vlog the whole thing so we can look back on it a probably laugh at it.

       "Hey guys Y/N here and today I have a thing or two up my sleeve. Do you remember when I was talking about Jordan Ye Well we spoke and he's on his way down now. Sorry if I'm being quite it's because Ross Max Adam and Red are inside. "Heys Dirts" barney says "hi Y/N" nick says oh hi guys the boys are waiting inside with Star, Hurley, Alexia And Katie in just waiting for someone.
Just then Jordan runs up behind me "hi Y/N" oh hey Jordan you ready for the plan?"
Ye let's start then.

-pretend video in the plan video-

     "Alright hey guys so right now I wanna talk about something that something is to do with MAX -you shout while walking in- basically what happened was Max told everyone who I like and Ye only reason it affects me is because I used to cut because I thought I would never meet him. Anyway while I was out I got a random twitter message from... @/GalaxyJWF -Jordan's que-

Jordan swings open the door and everyone goes to crowd him and hug him.

I end of the video and it was a good night for everyone apart from...

Sorry for the late update I started this on the school bus at like 4:00 (English time)  and it's now 9:00.

WHY ME...?(SkyDoesMinecraft x reader) /slow updates/Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin