Hybrid Theory- Feb 13 2010

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Chapter One: Hatching

Bianca's POV:

(what does POV even mean?)

A strange warmth seemed to rise from everywhere and nowhere at once, keeping the inside of this strange warm capsule insulated and safe. I pressed my hand to the warm surface that stretched all around me, pushing through the liquid. It made the soft light dimmer, and I immediately recoiled. I had been in this capsule for an infinate number of days, and I had only lost the light once.

And there was nothing more scarier than that.

Hale's POV:

The catacombs stretched for miles, holding the graves of thousands of hybrid creations, killed and finished off millenia ago.

Irregularly, pieces of stone and dirt fell from the ceiling that was so high I couldn't see it, and the only light came from red, blue and green torches.

Some skelletons sat up in their graves in the walls, their skulls turning as if to watch us.

All in all, it was extremely unnerving.

'Why are we here?' Eris, named after the Goddess of Strife and Discord, complained, clinging tightly to her javeline. 'If it's not already dead, it'll die as soon as the amber cracks.'

'That's not the point.' Elliot said, looking back at her and trying to keep the look of disgust off his face. It wasn't easy. 'We must find it and make sure it DOESN'T die, because Confucious wants it.'

'But it gets killed either way.' She whimpered. 'Let's just turn back now and say we found it dead.'

The cavernous catacombs groaned as larger pieces of stone fell.

'You dare show disloyalty to the Master?' Elliot growled, raising his sword.

Eris squeaked in fear, and I rolled my eyes.

'Gods, you lot, can't you go two minutes without accusing and attacking each other?' I asked.

'I did neither thing!' Eris shrieked, and I winced.

'Let's keep moving anyway.' I said, continuing down the tunnel. 'We're almost there anyway.


It looked exactly like an egg.

Big and human-ish sized, of course.

An amber egg, crystalised with beautiful patterns and shades of gold and orange, glinting off the ragged torchlight.

It was fairly big, around a metre-and-a-half or so tall, and inside a feature-less figure moved slowly, slightly.

'It's an egg.' Eris said bluntly, ruining the somehow perfect silence. Elliot sighed.

'Thankyou for that, Eris.' He said her name like a curse word. 'I noticed.'

Stepping closer, I saw the egg-shaped amber had what looked like an aura around it, holding in light and expelling darkness.

'Look at this.' I muttered, crouching in front of it.

'Yeah, but...it's an EGG. This is the thing holding the most powerful creature that can destroy the worlds?' Eris asked as Elliot appeared beside me.

Ignoring Eris, he said, 'It needs a small sacrifice.'

'Sacrifice how?' I asked, dreading the answer.

'Blood should do it. I don't see why not. From a Son of the Ayoa Angel shouldn't hurt.' He smiled slyly, revealing fangs.

'Uh no.' I stood. 'You know I don't...fare well with blood.' The very thought made me feel sick.

'Well we know it's going to already be pumped full of blood from one of the biggest Gods or Angels: Of Death, Water or Sky. And that's just the Gods. So, being a Son of the God of Death, it'd be like giving it an overdose or something.' Elliot finished.

'Well I'm not doing it.' Eris said after a moment behind us, crossing her arms.

Looking at Eris and me, Elliot sighed. 'You're both babies.'

I looked away as Elliot took out a dagger and drew it the length of his palm. Blood welled up, but not so that it overflowed, and he pressed it to a crack in the amber egg.

It shook and exploded in a bright light, throwing us back.

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