Hybrid Theory- Feb 13 2010- 3

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Chapter Three: Awaken

Hale's POV:

(thankyou PirateJaden for telling me wat POV meant XD)

We had been travelling for three days, and throughout the whole time Eris had complained so much my ears rang. Elliot had carried the girl; she hadn't moved once.

So now we sat around a campfire on the edges of a grassy cliff, looking out over the flames.

'She's dying, you know.' Elliot hissed over the flames.

'Who cares?' Eris muttered darkly, jealous still evident on her face.

'We should.' I said strongly.

'Stop being a-' Elliot started before there was a moan of disorientation.

'Ew, it's alive.' Eris whispered.

Bianca's POV:

I blinked a few times, trying to focus when I realised the blackness wasn't me. Rolling over, I saw large flickering flames and the back of the whiney girl.

'I say we run now and leave her here to die.' She whispered.

'Die?' I whispered. My throat hurt and I struggled to sit up, slipping on rough dirt. I had been fitted in rags, which were itchy.

'Why am I dying?'

'How's it capable of speaking? In whatever language that is.' The other boy asked quietly.

'Where am I?' I asked.

Elliot smiled over the flames, creeping me out.

'You're scary.' I said, then immediately felt stupid for saying it.

There was a short moment of silence, then the girl asked bluntly, 'What are you?'

My head pounded and the fire wasn't helping. I missed my little, warm protective barriers.

Something exploded in the back of my head, a thousand words and phrases and voices yelling at once.

Once it was finished I opened my eyes again as the other boy said, 'What's your name?'

He didn't seem as cold as the other two, but then again, what did I know?


'Now she speaks properly.' The girl muttered.

I pressed my forehead against the dirt, strangely cool. 'I-I don't know. Where am I?'

Looking up again, I saw the boy was about to answer when the girl pointed behind me and screamed.

We turned to look and saw ghost figures pressing in on us.

Now I don't know much, so I'm just guessing here. But those ghostly creatures, growing transparent fangs, probably weren't the most friendly creatures in the woods.

Elliot and the other boy stood, drawing various weaponry while the girl stumbled back to watch.

The ghosts launched themselves forward, and roaring, the boys attacked too.

Together they created an amazing mix of attack and defensive, but every so often the ghosts would scrape through skin, drawing blood that flew through the air like an explosion of red heat.

The swords flew straight through and the ghosts simply rematerialised, but the more blood they got, little by little, the more physical yet dangerous they became.

'Hate Tassim.' Elliot spat, cutting through one of the more physical ghosts. It screeched and flew back for a moment while others kept coming like an onslaught.

Standing shakily, I took a couple steps forward, but still the creatures paid no mind to me.

Behind everything the girl was curled up, watching fearfully.

Was I meant to do that too?

They put up a good fight, but these ghost...Tassim...things were far better, and soon the boy's would lose.

I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

The smaller boy, nowhere near as muscly and trained as Elliot, turned swiftly to attack from the side and one of the more physical Tassim swooped down, fangs open and ready to pierce flesh.

For some insane reason I jumped in the way, holding up my arm and intercepting the fangs inches away from killing him.

It cut deep, scraping halfway through my bone, and it hurt. But it was numbing, and screeching, the Tassim struggled to free itself.

The others backed off, watching with sentient intelligence as it pulled itself out of my arm.

It bled profusely, but as I watched the bone cracked, healing, and it closed over.

All within a minute.

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