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Sin 18: Authers

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Sin 18: Authers.

Sin 19: To me there's no such thing as "flawless writing". Every author has a type of flaw; something in their stories they can't execute well.

Sin 20: you got a C obviously because you wrote like Stephenie Meyer.

Sin 21: That's not even J.K. Rowling.

Sin 22: Congratulations, you just mocked an older woman's name and triggered thousands of Potterheads by not doing research.

Sin 23: How the hell do you not know J.K. Rowling?! If you know Harry Potter how the hell do you not know its author?? WHAT THE FUCK??

Sin 24: Ahahahha. Not even famous. You sure bro? Do you even even know Trudi Canavan? Thought so.

Sin 25: Uses loser as an insult to a woman who published what we considered a classic series.

Sin 26: Transformice players made better insults than "loser".

Sin 27: You say that when you adore a book series about sparkling vampires and cannibal babies.

Sin 28: Also continuation of Sin 20. You also got a C because you can't spell a simple word like "authors". I can understand bad english, but this is the epitome of bad english. Don't red squiggly lines appear under misspelled words even in Paint?

Sin 29: Also you not knowing J.K Rowling does not equal to the entire world not knowing who she is.

Sin 30: "jk it sucks"

Sin Counter: 30

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