Chapter 1

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Gianna's POV

"What if there is more to the world then what we see. There can be many possibilities which haven't been discovered by all of us. I feel trapped in a plastic world with nothing adventurous or compelling to look forward to. In space and the Earth itself there are any mysteries lying within waiting to be uncovered. I want to discover these mysteries no matter how perilous it may seem."

I finished typing my last word then slowly started closing my MacBook. I lied in my bed with my eyes closed. Just then I can smell my personal nanny Mary coming in with some fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. "Fresh baked cookies. I know that you love them." She cheerfully says.

"Thanks, but I could have picked them up from the kitchen."

"Get used to it. You are the president's daughter and my job is to take care of you." I smiled at her. Mary always put me in a good mood. Many people look up to me and treasure me all the time. It's the treatment which I have been getting all the time. I am Gianna Hollis. My dad is Jonathon Hollis who became president of the United States 5 months back. Many girls wanted to be my friend and I always had security guards surrounding me whenever I'm outside. People think that it's a pleasure but honestly it's a torture having to dress up for every occasion and have to be careful on social media.

"On the bright side, it's a Friday so I can relax finally." I sighed.

Mary smiled "Relax for sometime then maybe you can come to the movie theater. They are playing new movies."

"I watched all the movies like a hundred times."

"Then we could watch something else."

"I appreciate your help Mary but I will be fine sleeping in for tonight."

Suddenly, my dad burst into my room. "Hey Gianna, I need you to come with me somewhere."

"Dad, where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere important so follow me." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my purse and phone. We walked outside to the front where there was a huge group of tourists posing near our house. Their eyes were glued to the gate trying to see my dad and me. A security guard was waiting in front of the limo which we use. "Get in." he said sternly. I sat down in the back where there was another guard next to me. While the driver was driving I was texting my friends while the guards peered over my phone. Geez, there is something called personal space and privacy.

We reached a seemingly abandoned building. It was very run down and I had no idea why my dad would need me to come with him. I opened the door slowly just to see the Leaders of the United Nations and other big countries like China. I assumed that this was another one of his boring meetings which he wanted me to listen to. I started playing games on my phone when the leader speaks up. "We sent all of you a very important message to come here because we have a huge situation and this is a life-changing discovery." My eyes looked up from my phone and now I was all eyes and ears. "For over 3,000 years the other planets have had life on them. The people living in these planets have hid themselves from us. These people have different physical characteristics from us since they evolved from other animals. They finally have come to introduce themselves to us and come in peace. They are currently waiting for us but before we go in we need to look over the other planet's inhabitants and the council."

The leader flashed up a requirements sign for the government. "For every planet there is a leader and an associate. The leader represents all of Earth and the associate will help out the leader. The associate is usually around 15-20 yrs. Old," Oh, I was 16, "We have decided on the two representatives. The President of America will act as the leader while his oldest daughter will act as an associate." Now it all made sense. My dad brought me here so that I could be the associate. My dad rose up "I am willing to take the role as leader while communicating with other planets. This role doesn't guarantee me full dictatorship of America." I followed his lead and confidently accepted my role. The leader dismissed everyone else and only we remained.

"So what you are telling me leader is that there are extra terrestrial humans who can live on these planets?" My dad asked confusingly.

"It's hard to believe but it's true. They have created a technosphere which has prevented us from finding them. They are opening to us but only you and your daughter are allowed to communicate with them. The rest of us will try to help you," She switched the slides, "These are the Mercurians. They have evolved from the mountains in their planet." The Mercurians have evolved from mountains on their planet which have life on their Earth." The Mercurians were very pointy. They had a sharp face, nose, ears, hair, elbows, knees and continuous.

The leader switched the slides again. "The Venesians on the other hand have evolved from birds and they have an actual heart as their heart. This heart is on their back and wings sprout from them." The Venesians were very pretty and their hair was red. Their skin colors ranged from fair to tan.

Next was something which was actually familiar. "Martians!" I replied. The leader nodded her head. They were green or red and had one eye in the center. They had antennas instead of ears and they stuck up. Apparently they evolved from muck.

The next slide had big people. Exactly like us but just bigger. "These are Jupiterians. They are just like us but bigger."

A slide with people who had furry legs showed up. "These are the Saturnians. They evolved from dogs."

A slide with pale white people was next. "These are the Uranians. They are pale and on the back they have a green fin. They have sea green eyes and hair. They evolved from the green guppy."

Next, a slide with blue scaled people popped up. "The Neptunians are blue scaled and have fins on the side. They evolved from the blue fish."

Finally, the last slide showed up. The people were as pale as the Uranians but they had full black eyes. Even the part which is supposed to be white for most people is black. "The Plutonians seem to be a bit scary but really they are not that bad. They evolved from a snake which we call a black eyed lucy." I was shocked at what I was seeing. I looked at my dad nervously. He grabbed me and smiled.

"Now that you know about the people who you are about to meet I wish you the best of luck. According to the Uranus Leader not everyone is in favor of introducing themselves to you so try to make the best out of this situation. I have never seen any of the people that you will meet. Are you ready for this?"

I confidently said "Yes, I am ready." The doors slowly opened.

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