Chapter 3

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 Maybe this was the mystery which I was looking for. I stood up and walked to the center with my dad. The Mercurians stood up and walked to the center. The leader spoke "I am the leader of Mercury. Let me present my assistant Dravin Ismodo Rohemia Krazan." A boy opens the side door and walks to the center with a stiff face. "Call me Dirk." We shook hands and the leader walks back to his seat while Dirk goes to the other side of the room.

Next, a man who was from Venus walked up. "I am Valentino the leader of Venus. I will now present Evangelica associate of Venus." A girl with red wavy/curly hair, dark brown eyes and tan skin. "Call me Eva." She smiled at me with perfect straight teeth. She seemed to be one of those tall, perfect and pretty girls who everyone wants to be.

A Martian stood up and smiled. He walked to the center "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you-"the whole council stared at him rudely "I'm the Leader of Mars. I present M8A65R701K2549." A red Martian comes to the center " Call me Mark!". He joyfully went to the other side of the room where the others were waiting.

I heard huge stomps. A man who was around ten feet walked towards my dad. "I'm the Leader of Jupiter. I present Lukaradon." A boy who was around seven feet walked towards me. "Hi I'm Luke." I stood on my toes and stuck my hand up. He shaked it and moved away.

A Saturnian walked up to the center. "I am Charezonius the Leader of Saturn. I will now present Zach Charazon Atticus." Immediately a boy who was around seventeen years old walked in and my eyes looked up. He had hazel eyes, a sharp jawline, dark brown hair, muscles and he was so cute that you could ignore the fact that the other half of him was furry. He stared into my eyes "Hey, I'm Zach." My cheeks turned pink and I smiled. I introduced myself while stuttering and shook his hand which I wanted to hold forever.

A Uranian woman stood up "I am the Leader of Uranus. I will now present Sarina associate of Uranus." A girl came to center and shaked my hand "Hey, I'm Sarina!" She seemed like the type who was really friendly, nice, and open.

The Neptunian representative came up "I am the Leader of Neptune. I will present Ariella Associate of Neptune." A girl cheerfully ran to the center "I always wanted to meet an Earthling! What-"

"Ariella!" The leader scolded. The girl calmed down more "I am Ariella the Representative of Neptune."

"I am Gianna, can't wait to work with you!" I smiled. She cheerfully ran to the other associates while the leader shook her head furiously.

A Plutonian man walked up to the center. "I am the Leader of Pluto. I will now invite Melania associate of Pluto." A girl who was around sixteen, had a pixie cut and black tattoos walked up. "It's Melania." She said and shook my hand firmly. She was like one of those rebels who got into trouble all the time.

I looked at the associates conversing and approached them slowly.

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