Chapter 8

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(I forget is it Saturday or Sunday. Idc, I'm making it Sunday)

Natsu decided to hang out with his brother's today since he' been around Gray all the time. He couldn't stand to be away from the raven-haired teen. He loved him so much. He rolled outta bed, took a warm shower, and got dressed. He walked downstairs where Sting was in the kitchen making breakfast, and Gajeel was in the living room watching TV. He walked over to the sofa where Gajeel was sitting and took a seat on the opposite side.

"Morning, whatcha watchin'," Natsu said.

"Sssshhhh!" Gajeel waved a hand at his younger brother signaling him to be quiet. "This is the funny part."

Tv: It's a tomato? I thought it was a pineapple!

Gajeel started to laugh hysterically. Natsu made a disgusted face, the line wasn't even funny. 

Then the show went to a commercial break. Sting called for breakfast. The other two brothers got up from the comfy sofa and walked over to eat breakfast. All three of then started to eat what Sting had prepared, blueberry pancakes. Tgen conversation began among them.

"So what are you guys gonna do today. Cause I was thinking that we could all do something together this weekend," Natsu implied.

Sting was shocked to hear that Natsu wanted to hang with him and Gajeel. "Your not gonna hang out with..." Sting started, "Graaaayyy," he said teasingly.

Natsu blushed a bit. "Like you weren't gonna go run off with Rogue, like u do all the time. He stays over almost every night. I don't even wanna know what you two do in your bedroom."

Sting blushed a deeper red, "Like I was gonna tell you that. Besides, Rogue has to help Minerva with something today."

Natsu mocked Sting, "Aww poor baby. You must be so lonely without.... Rooooogguueee."

Sting got a little annoyed, "Shut up! And don't copy me."

Before things escalated, Gajeel butted in. "Ok ladies, calm down. We all know y'all are both thirsty for your mans."

Sting and Natsu, "Shut up!" Gajeel started laughing.

"Im pretty sure your just as thirsty for Levi." Sting inqired.

"No not really," Gajeel corrected.

"Thats just cold," Natsu said. Gajeel shrugged his shoulders.

They were all done eating. Sting cleaned up and the three boys all took a seat in the living room.

The two older brothers looked to the pink head. "So what did u wanna do with us," Sting said.

Natsu didn't actually know what he wanted to do, he just wanted to hang out with his brothers today. "I don't know?"

Sting had the biggest grin on his face, "I know what we could do today.... we could Go SHOPPING!!!" Sting was crazy about shopping. He LOVED to shop.

The two other boys had nothing better to do so they went with Sting to go shopping. They went to the mall and Sting went spend-happy at Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Adidas, ect. Gajeel was with them, but after like the third store, he must have went on his own. Natsu was tired of shopping with Sting, store to store to store.... to store. He took a seat on a bench as Sting went into Hot Topic. That was his favorite store. Natsu loved it two but he just enjoying the time with his brothers... even though one is only focused on shopping and the other went God knows where.

Natsu took out his phone and texted lucy:

Natsu: Hey Luce, im'a come by and pic up Happy. Thanks for watchin' him.
Lucy: No prob :) He had a fun time with Pleu.

Natsu put away his phone and looked up. Next to Hot Topic was Pandora. He saw a male raven-haired teen come out. He linda looked like Gray but he walked away too fast to see and maybe say anything. If it was Gray, what was he doing in Pandora, Natsu thought.

Natsu took out his phone and texted Gray:

Natsu: Hey
20 minutes later... no text from Gray.

Thats odd, Natsu thought. Normally Gray would get back to him in like less than 5 minutes.

They finially got home from the mall after a long walk to the car with 100's of heavy bags filled with like 700 things that Sting had bought at the mall. Sting really needs help. He probibly has the 'buying to much damn stuff at the mall' sickness or something.

Natsu had gotten a text, from Gray!
Gray: meet me on the bridge.

Natsu hurried there and saw Gray stitting on the edge of the bridge over the river. He walked over and sat beside him. Gray looked to see the pink head next to him and out an arm around him.

"Hey," Gray said. Gray had said 'hey' so many times before, but this time, to Natsu, he sounded very sadistic. Natsu melted at the touch of his arm around his shoulder and the sound of Gray's voice.

Gray gave Natsu a quick peck on the lips. Natsu wanted the kiss to last longer.

"I was thinking about you today, but when am I not." Gray said which made Natsu blush a light pink, almost the shade of his hair. Gray pulled out a small black box and handed it to Natsu. Natsu's heart skipped a beat when he was given the black velvet box with silver letters engraved into the box spelling, Pandora. So it was Gray he saw earlier.

"Go on, open it." Gray said. Natsu waited a second before opening the box. Inside was a silver bracelet with a circle charm that had a red dragon, and a blue dragon in the shape of a heart on it. "So do you like it? Put it on." Natsu had no words.he just did what Gay said and opened and then closed the bracelet around his wrist. He held his arm out to look at it. Natsu loved it.

"I love it!" Natsu exclaimed jumping onto Gray, and smashing their lips together. They earned some stares but They didn't care. "I'm never taking it off," Natsu declared. Gray laughed and smiled, "I'm glad you like it."

So how was chapter 8? 1,069 words. I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It could lead to some smut.... 😏😉😜 So leave a comment if u'd like that. Also vote on my story and comment any other suggestions u have. Thank You for reading! 😘😘😘😘😘

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