Chapter 9

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Ew Monday. The day when you have to go back to school.

Natsu rolled out of bed, got washed, and put on his school uniform. He put on his usual sweater, and the bracelet that Gray had given him yesterday. Natsu smiled at the gift.

He and his brothers headed out the door and got on the bus. Natsu sat down next to Gray. He gave Gray a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hey babe," Natsu said. He got an odd but nice feeling calling Gray babe.

Gray liked it. He noticed the bracelet that Natsu was wearing that he had given him and blushed a light. "I see you like my gift," Gray pointed out.

"I told you Im never taking it off," Natsu said.

"Keep it pg13 guys," Lucy laughed.

They shared a passionate kiss, forgetting that they were on the bus. Oh, and that a certain someone was watching.

Lucy felt rage-full ora next to her. She slowly turned her head to see a jealous Juvia. Her blue hair flared out. "How? How! How could Gray-sama loved Natsu and get him a gift. How can Gray-sama not love Juvia. HOW!"

"Calm down Juvia. Gray loves Natsu. Just give up." Lucy regretted what she just said.

Juvia looked like she would strangle her.

Erza joined the conversation and turned it back to the boys, "Can I see the bracelet?" She asked Nastu.

Nastu held up his wrist to Erza. She examined and analyzed the charm. She nodeed her head signaling that she was done. "You guys really love eachother," she said.

Natsu and Gray looked at eachother, smiling and nuzzling their noses together.

"Cute," Lucy said.

"I wish Gray-sama loved me tooooooooo!" Juvia busted into a crying mess.

"Omg, quit it already," Lucy rolled her eyes.

Juvia suddenly got serious, "Shut your face bimbo!" Lucy was about to retaliate when Erza cut in, "Ok thats enough." Her tone was a bit stern. Lucy and Juvia: "yes Mam!"

A few minutes later, and they were at school. The group headed to their lockers and then to homeroom. After homeroom was over, Natsu and Gray walked to their first class, holding hands. (Did i mention that like in the anime, everyone knows them in the guild, like they're not some no name wizard. Well I'm making it that they are the most popular in the school, along with everyone who actually has a name in Fairy Tail.) As the two boys walked down the hallway, they could hear sone of the other kids, "Omg Natsu and Gray?","The two most popular guys are gay omg." They heard sone of the girls too, "Gray/Natsu-sama, whyyy!" But Natsu and Gray didn't care.

Time skip to lunch -The boys sat together with their group and talked. Homecoming was coming up soon.

"So homecomings next Friday, so whose going with who?" Lucy asked.

Natsu leaned on Gray, "This guy, but you probably already knew that." Natsu blushed. Gray also blushed looking at his boyfriend.

"Well I'm going with Jellal," Erza said. Then her face turned into confusion, "Come to think of it, I haven't seen him all day."

Lucy knew where he was right now, "He's at Student Council. Aren't you in Student Council too?"

Erza almost choked on her cake. She gently put down the piece strawberry cake she was eating and stood up from the table. "Ill be back," She said and turned to go to student council. She turned back to the group, "And I swear on Mavis' grave, touch my strawberry cake, and you wont be able to touch it again." With that she left to go to Student Council.

Leaving the group terrified, Lucy used a napkin to push the plate as far away from them so that the wouldn't be susceptible to touch it.

"Ok so nobody touch the cake," she said. The rest of them nodded. "Well to continue our conversation, Im going with Loki."

The only person that was left to answer was Juvia. They didn't even know why Juvia was still with them since she didn't have a chance with Gray anymore now that his heart belonged to Natsu.

They all looked to Juvia, "Anyone going with you Juvia," Lucy asked.

Juvia lowered her head, "No. Gray-sama is with Natsu and thats the person who Juvia wanted to take me."

Gray then said, "Hey I could introduce you to my brother. His names Lyon and he's been lonely too." Juvia nodeed. If Gray said to she wouldn't refuse.

Natsu then chimed in, "Hey why don't we go on a quadruple date: Gray and I, Lucy and Lyon, Erza and Jellal, and Juvia can meet Lyon.

"Thats a good idea, and Im sure Erza will be fine with it," Lucy said.

"Ok cool," Natsu exclaimed, "How about tonight?" The group agreed.

Ok so 840 words. I hope you guys enjoyed. Next chapter, or the chapter after that,  it could get smutty. So stay tuned and I love you guys!

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