Chapter Two

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I woke to the sound of screaming and yelling. The normal thing to wake up to. It was currently 5:00a.m. Fifteen minutes before breakfast, and then at five thirty we start working. I got up dressed, and went to were the children were eating. I don't eat breakfast so I gave it to the closest people to me, who gladly took it.

There was a strange silence that went through the walls of room. You could clattering of forks and plates. Most of the children were wearing their best rags. I turned to a girl next to me.

"What's going on? " I asked.

"You didn't hear. Someone is coming to look for servant. The way to get out of here. So it's driving everyone into competition. "She whispered to me.

"Oh, thank you." I told her. I wanted to be excited. No one ever picks me. It's According to Ms. Margray I am too ugly for anyone to be in my presence. I don't have hope, just like I told Charlie. The buzzer buzzed, and we walked into the sewing room and worked, until a whistled blew. Everyone stopped except me. I kept working, because none of it was relevant to me. I wasn't going picked so might as well keep working.

"Children, Mr. Brown is looking for a new servant. So just go about doing what you regularly do, so he can observe and pick one. You understand me?" She yelled.

"Yes," everyone but me said.

"Do you understand Rosemary?" She asked me, there was no response, I kept working. She walked up to me and smacked my face. "Do you understand?"

"Why do I even have to answer? I know I am not getting picked, so what's the point? You say I am too ugly to be picked, so what is the point of answering, when you know there is no hope whatsoever." I retorted. She just slapped me again, and walked off and to the door. She let in the man. I didn't watch the door or don anything. I just worked, and worked. I never heard a sound. Apparently I was being acknowledged. I didn't know that until I felt someone kick me. I looked up, at the girl across from me.

"What was that for?" I asked. She just motion to behind. I looked to see it was that Mr. Brown. "May I help you?"

"Yes, what's your name, and age?" He asked me.

"Rosemary, but I like to go by Rose, I am fifteen years old." I answered.

"Funny I have a boy that's 15 also, his name is Simon. He is kinda a ringleader in mischievous plans. Are you educated?" He asked.

"Yes, I went to school before my parent died, and I was sent here." I sighed. This was distracting me from working. Ms. Margray came rushing over.

"Trust me you don't want that ugly thing. She is very disobedient, and cannot follow simply directions." She said, and lead him to her favorites.

At lunch

Everyone was sitting around eating their broth when Ms. Margray rushed in, to make an announcement.

"Children! Mr. Brown has made the decision to chose one if you as a servant. You wouldn't get paid much, and you would haven't sleep on the floor." At least we'd get paid and have a cleaner safer place to sleep and work I thought. "Now Rosemary, come you must pack your things immediately."

"What? Did he give you the wrong name?" I asked.

"No! Now come on." I slowly walked out and gave Charlie the last hug I will ever give him. I went to theroom and packed my clothes, my locker, and a couple other things that belonged to my parents. I walked down with my suit case, and there was Mr. Brown and Ms. Margray, the smile on her face showed that she was not happy about me leaving. It was obviously fake.

"Time to go, but there is always the option that you can stay." Ms. Margray said.

"I would absolutely love... To get out of this hellhole. Sooner the better." I glared at her. With that as my final words to Ms. Margray, we walked to the Brown's home.

"Now, I just want to warn you, but the children are very naughty. Naughty actually doesn't begin to cover it." He warned.

"It's fine, I don't get bothered that easily." I responded politely. He sighed, and opened the door. First he showed me to a room with a bed, wardrobe, and a mirror with a bathroom down connected. He showed me the house and called his children in.

"Children! This is our new servant I would like you're introduce yourself." He announced. The first to step forward was a boy, about my age. He extended his hand.

"Nice to make your acquaintance. I am Oglington Fartworthy. "He said, as I took his hand and shook it.

"You must be Simon. The ringleader in mischief around here." I let go. "So why don't all you tell me your real names. I'll start, I am Rosemary, but I prefer being called Rose."

"Okay, I am Simon." Simon admitted. He looked confused.





"Lily, and the baby is Aggy." Lily said.

"Nice to meet you all. " I smiled at them.

"How did you know my name?" Simon asked.

"Your father told me about you." I said. Just then a pretty young lady walked in.

"This Evangeline, she will help you. Evangeline this is Rose she is our new maid." Mr. Brown was looking at her dreamily. Oh boy, human affairs are ridiculous.

"Nice to meet you Rose." Evangeline said. I looked at everyone, and notice that one person in particular seemed to be staring at me. It was Simon. What's his problem?

More Than Just A Maid (A Simon Brown Love Story) -On Hold-Where stories live. Discover now