Chapter Three

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Six months after Rose's arrival

In the six months I have been here, I have found out that they Brown children were very clever, but they used it for evil. Chasing away Nanny's and such. They never said please, or thank you. It's just intolerable.

Nanny Whetstone ran out of the house. She was a round lady, that was supposed to whip them into shape. Of course that didn't happen. I could hear here screaming from downstairs in the kitchen.

I enjoyed working in the kitchen, because Cook would always ramble on stories about how she served food in the army, and how these children could never come in here. I have actually gain a bit of weight, and started to look less malnourished. Evangeline was very kind to me, and was so eager to try to learn how to read.

"Well, looks like they got another one." Cook spouted out. I just kept peeling potatoes.


Poor unfortunate soul that is Nanny Whetstone. She was put under the impression that the children were cannibalistic, and ate their own baby sister. I find that just sick.

Evangeline came down to help in the kitchen.

"Poor him, and poor them." Evangeline sighed.

"Poor them, my Aunt Fanny. They're the worsetest, nastiest, horriblist- there'll be snow in August before this family's straightened out!" Cook rambled. The roar of the children was getting unbearable, so Evangeline and I went up the stairs.

"Oi, you lot!" I yelled at them.

"Quiet!" Evangeline screamed.

"You're driving your poor father to distraction." I told them.

"Stop it." Evangeline broke up a fight. "Lily, what's this word."

"Lovingly, he took her lovingly by the hand." Lily answered, as I cleaned the piano.

"What's your book about, Evangeline?" Tora asked.

"It's about the daughter of a nice man, that remarries after his wife daughter, and the step mother is horrid to her." Lily answered for Evangeline.

"Why doesn't the man stop her from being horrid." Asks Evangeline.

"Fathers always turn bad once there wife dies." Simon answered. I had completely forgotten he was there. "They don't care anymore."

I sat next to him, and took his hand. He looked at me, his eyes were getting a little bit teary. He was trying so hard not to, but who knows.

"Simon, yours does." I said to him. He just looked away.

"No, he doesn't. Does he read to Chrissie like he used to? Does he play cricket with us like he used to? He doesn't even sing Loola Bye to Aggy anymore! We hardly see him!" Simons voice started to raise.

"He loves you Simon, you know that." I said. He looked down at are hands. Our finger were still intertwined. Quickly he pulled away.

"He's just had an awful lot on his mind since..." Evangeline chimed in.

"Since mother died." Simon cut her off. Now the room was dead silent.

"You used to be as close as anything." Evangeline sighed.

"Not anymore. All he cares about now is getting himself a nice new wife."

"Well, I don't know if that's true or not, but perhaps it would be nice to have a new mother." Evangeline reasoned.

"Don't you know anything about the world, Evangeline? Whoever he marries will be vile and treat us like slaves!" Lily chimed in on this conversation.

"You don't know that." Evangeline argued.

"Plenty of hard evidence for it. There isn't even one single stepmother in here that's even half- way decent." Eric brought out a storybook. "They're an evil breed. Anyways Whoever likes other peoples children?"

"I like you!" Evangeline argued.

"Yes, but you two are servants. You two are paid to like us. That doesn't count." Eric said.

"Well, your nanny's were paid to be nanny's and like you. Look how that turned out." I said, and walked out of the room, into the kitchen.


Cook was relaxing in the kitchen, because the children were going to bed without supper tonight.

"NO supper. Discipline, that's more like it." She said, and sat back in her chair. Suddenly, we heard a shrill mouse-like squeak. Her eyes shot open.

"Oh, no." I sighed.

"Now, you listen here you pustular tykes! You ain't allowed in this kitchen! Not now! Not ever! I have it in writing!" She was acting all panicked, and paranoid about the children.

"Not this, again." I rolled my eyes. Cook picked up the toy mouse and started smashing it rapidly.

"Where are ya, ya mewling half-bake?! I'm ready for ya, and I'm hard?" Cook shouted before she got hit in the head by Eric. At that moment two arms wrapped around me and then another set. I got dragged and tied to a rocking chair near the fireplace, which might I add was still on fire!

"Sorry, Rose." Simon smirked. He wasn't sorry. I glared at him while he paraded around the kitchen. His new territory the general had just won. All the other children were running around turning everything in complete chaos.

"This is fun!" One yelled.

"We got Cook, We got Cook!" Chrissie yelled.

"Eric your not making another bomb are you?" Tora asked. He just cackled evilly.

After a few minutes later the door open. At the door was not Evangeline or Mr. Brown, but a disturbing looking lady, wearing all black. I look over at her and shot her a look that screamed HELP. Of course, Simon just had to open his mouth.

"Oh, look. The door's open and there's nobody there." He said nonchalantly.

"I am here. I am Nanny McPhee." the new nanny said calmly.

"Oh, d-d-did somebody speak?" Simon asked stutterly.

"I didn't hear anything." Eric chimed in.

"That's because there's nobody there." Sebastian said.

"Then listen carefully, and try to here this. You are to stop what you are doing put the kitchen in rights, and go up starts to bed." She was scary looking. "Did you hear what I just said?" 

"I've jus had an idea! Why don't we play in here in the kitchen all night long!" Simon smirked and looked at me, but quickly looked away.

"Excellent notion!" Eric said in a creepy, Igor like voice. Crissy was screaming excitedly. Then there was the loud bang of Nanny McPhees stick. Then everything went beserk! There was so much screaming. My chair was rocking furiously close to the fire my hair.

"Rose!" Simon screamed. 

"She's done something to us!" Eric yelled. "She banged her stick!" 

Everyone was screaming to stop.

"Well, stop if you want then!" Simon yelled back.

"We can't one yelled!" 

"It's her fault!" Chrissy yelled.

"It all started when she banged that stick!" Eric yelled. The chair was so close to the fire I was about to fall in.

"Come on then whoever you are! Let's stop all this and go to bed!" Simon yelled.

"Say please." The nanny replied calmly.

"I never say please!" He yelled back. Everyone else said please. " FOr goodness sakes please then!"

"Please nanny McPhee!" He said. I was about to fall into the fire.

"Please, Nanny McPhee." He struggled to say the words. She banged her stick and the kitchen was suddenly clean.

"Goodnight Mrs. Blatherwick, Goodnight Evangeline, Goodnight Rose!" Nanny McPhees said. I just sat there astounded by the magic that just occured.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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