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Chapter 30

"Why didn't you try to stop me when you thought I was?" Louis voiced his thoughts out, slightly mystified.
Harry always seemed to have constant surveillance on him as unsettling as it was, like the Captain would go too far lengths to make sure Louis would stay onboard with him because of reasons Louis didn't want to pursue in, so the fact that he had the suspicion Louis was going to jump but didn't intervene was surprising.
The male was silent for a moment and the only sound audible to Louis's ears as he and Harry continued staring into one another's eyes was the rush of water splashing beneath the ship's movements forward.
"Are you going to answer me?" The brunet questioned in mild irritation when it seemed as though the situation was growing more uncomfortable that Louis could have registered earlier.
Harry's light green eyes gave a single blink that Louis swallowed at, a small bulged in his throat went down along with it while he watched as the pirate's gaze slowly began to move from Louis's own eyes, and down trailing his face until it rest at his neck.
Louis found his body stiffening as Harry's hands moved toward his neck. He awkwardly watched the captain's face and tried not to cringe away from his touch the moment that the cold feel of his hands grazed his own warm skin.
Confused on Harry's actions, Louis opened his mouth to question his motives, but just as he did so he found himself gasping on air when Harry gave a quick and strong tug toward him from his neck and a small snapping noise went off.
The metal collar that had once been locked over Louis's neck dropped down unceremoniously.
Harry took notice to the leash and reached out to pull the rest out from the royal's clothes simply.
Breathless at the sudden action, Louis looked over at Harry in astonishment, "I—"
Before he could finish, he found himself being pushed backward as Harry's face dove in towards him and their lips roughly collided. The kiss was short lived as Harry pulled back slightly to the point where their lips brushed against the others like a light feather.
A bit surprised by the attack, Louis gazed upward at Harry before the captain gave a deep exhale, "You're not going to regret your decision." The low octave words sent a chill down the royal's spine as he found both his and Harry's eyes locking once more.
Harry felt something for him that was more than what Louis originally thought... But it wasn't until recently that Harry was actually showing it.
The two of them were warming up to each other and even if that was true, Shaking his head, Louis attempted to pull away; however the moment he did Harry's arms were snaking their way around her waist to keep him from retreating.
"Harry," He warningly mumbled, his eyes meeting with the Captain that instantly lowered his own gaze to the floor.
"Sleep on my bed. I'm ok with the chair," Harry replied, and at that moment, Louis found his breathing hitching at the rather childish emotion being put on the Captain's face.
Harry's lips were pushed out into a rather stubborn pout and he refused to get his eyes up to meet with Louis. The expression on Harry was actually kind of cute.
Apparently impatient with Louis's silence, Harry gave a noise that sounded like a huff before he flickered his blue irises to the prince; the light in his eyes was almost laughable.
"I can always go with Ellie. I don't want to take over your bed and make you sleep on the chair again." Louis insisted simply, he could feel his lips threatening to crack into a smile the moment Harry's eyes visibly widened at his response before they narrowed at him.
He was acting like a child.
"My bed is better." He retorted out firmly.
Rolling his eyes, Louis shook his head right after Harry added in, "And I don't mind sleeping on the chair, you know."
Not up for an argument, the prince shook his head with a sigh, "Alright."
Harry's arms released themselves from around Louis's waist and without another word he turned and began walking back in the direction of his quarters.

As Harry continued stalking away, Louis could only watch his back with some degree of mirth to his system, the probing and persistent thoughts of his chance to get away flashed over his head once more and found himself gazing out over his shoulder.
The dock was shrinking away and even if he jumped now, it'd be a lot of swimming if he wanted to make it back...
If he took a jump now, he could probably make it.
"Aren't you coming, Princess Tommo?"
Harry's voice snapped him out of his daze and he found himself turning back to the Captain that watched back at him with his signature smirk plastered on his lips. All forms of his former child-like demeanor were wiped clean from his face.
Louis released a sigh before he folded his arms over his chest and began approaching the male, "I'm coming, Princess Haz."
The nickname evidently made Harry's smirk twitch into a frown, but instead the pirate snorted, "Stick to only calling me one of those in a sentence. Hearing both at the same time makes you sound really unintelligent."
A grin immediately broke out on the royal's face as he fell into step beside Harry, "Oh? Are you telling me calling you Princess Haz  bothers you?"
"Would you prefer Princess Hazza?" Louis inquired, suddenly feeling much more entertained at the fact he found some way to irritate the green eyed male.
It was truly a rare opportunity and she'd have to thank Niall and Liam for bringing up the nickname to him at some point.
Harry scowled, his steps pausing the instant he was at the door and his hand was on the knob. He turned to Louis and gave his head a slight tilt, "Is that what you called me during your wet dream of me?"
Louis hadn't thought it was possible to choke on air until that point.
He felt his face begin to heat up and his eyebrows furrowed at the pirate that gave a chuckle while entering the room and leaving Louis to follow in after him.
Louis could easily tell that the topic would never die with the captain for a very long time.
"If you call me that in front of anyone, I'll make sure they know that's where you got the name from." He seemed to taunt out as he crossed over his study to the second door that would ultimately lead to his bedroom.
"You're never going to let it go, will you?" Louis distastefully inquired with a cringe to his face while Harry began placing his hat on its rack, "No."
Groaning, Louis started his way toward the corner where Dusty still laid on within the box near the center, sleeping.
He gave the slumbering animal a gentle stroke on the back before he glanced over at Harry who was now beginning to strip off his coat.
Knowing he only ever did that when he was going in for bed, Louis found himself watching the other in bemusement.
Harry immediately glanced over at her plainly, "Is there a problem?"
"I should be asking you that." The brunet gave him a judgmental scan with a toss to his hair and sat on the bed, "You're going to sleep now?"
Shrugging his shoulders Harry took a seat at the end of the bed to take off his boots, "Long day. I also want to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow so I'll head in now. It's practically sundown anyways."
"You can't just lay in bed and try to sleep. Your sleeping pattern won't let you."
"Sleeping patterns do not exist in seas," Harry nonchalantly retorted after he finished rising up from the mattress.
Louis scowled as he watched the brunet begin his way toward the door.
It was sad to think Harry was going to try to actually get himself to sleep on the chair out there for the night, for another night.
Though it was true that it was his own fault because he'd persisted in getting Louis back as owner of the bed... But Louis didn't know if that was reason enough to just let the Captain walk out like that.
"You know," he voiced up and the moment he did he found himself inwardly questioning why he was even talking. However, he knew that there was no turning back from his words as Harry had already halted his walking and looked back at him to hear what he had to say, "You don't have to sleep on the chair, right?"

The Pirate Prince *Larry Stylinson*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang