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Its been a week since the Ocean and this whole flake snow had gone, and turned into summer. Hikari and Manaka became a thing. Chisaki and Tsumugu left for college also they became a couple, and Sayu and Kaname started getting closer. While everyone has someone in there life... Im just... alone.


A boyish voice called out for me while the teacher was teaching. I ignored the voice, and continued to write..


The voice slithered in my head, I looked up and saw everyone writing down notes.

I looked at Hikari, but he was sleeping.

I sighed and thought it was just my imagination.

Miuna... please come home.

I slamed my pencil down, and looked around once more.

"Miuna, is there something bothering you?", the teacher questioned.

I jumped a bit and quickly replied, "N-No... my hand just... got tired..".

"Well, theres just a little notes left to take...", the teacher spoke.

I nodded, and picked my pencil up and continued to write.

Once class was over, I thought about the voice I heard...

"Come...Home?", I spoke to myself.

"Come home, what the heck is that about?", Sayu spoke confused.

"Oh, uh what?", I questioned.

"I asked whats a good movie!", Sayu sighed.

I shrugged and said, "Um.. October death?".

"OOOHHH what's that about?", Sayu jumped up.

"Its about a girl going into a spokey haunted house and theres death around..", I spoke trying to sum up the movie.

"Oh, oh and", Sayu continued to speak.

I zoned out.

Please come home..

"What...", I questioned the voice.

Sayu asked me if i was ok.

"I have to go..", I spoke and ran off.

Miuna, please come home to me.

"Where... wheres home", I yelled out running to my house.

The voice didn't respond.

Once I made it home I slamed the door open to Hikari and Manaka sitting next to each other.

"H-Hi..", I spoke shyly.

THey waved, and I ran to my room.
I slid the door shut, and sat on my foton. I waited for the voice.


The voice spoke, and I responded.


Come Home to me...


Go to Shioshishio...

"Then where?",

Go to..-

"Miuna, who are you talking to?", My step mom, or my mom spoke as she slid the door open scaring me.

I jumped, "Gaahhh!!".

She giggled, "sorry for scaring you...".

"I was... talking to myself... hey...mom can I go to Shioshishio?", I questioned.

My mom looked at me, "Sure..".

I smiled and ran out to the docks. I clenched my fist, and jumped in the warm slaty waters.

I swam down to Shioshishio, and made it to the gate.

"Alright voice... now what...", I questioned the voice.


I did what the voice told me to too. Once the voice had stopped, I was at Hikari's old school 'Namiji'.

I waited for furthermore instructions.

Walk to your left and you will be at home...

I walked to my left, and it took me almost an hour to arrive at a weird hole.

"Welcome home...Miuna", A voice spoke all the way down there.

I looked down, and remember this place.

This is where.. the Ojoshi sacrifice dolls were put...

I looked down, and saw a boy my age with white long hair, his Ena had a color shine on his cheecks, but went away. (So basically its light shining off his Ena)

"W-were... you the one... talking to me?", I questioned.

He nodded, and said, "yes I was...".

He didnt move an inch, so I swam down to him.

"Who..are you, I mean you know me but I dont know you...", I questioned once more.

He had a unsure face then said, "My name is Shiro...".

"Well Shiro, Its nice to know you!", I smiled holding my hand out to shake his.

He smiled and shook it.

Just then when he placed his hand on mine, a light shot.out of our hads and wrapped around me. He walked uo ti me and then KISSED me.

"W-W-What the?!", I freaked out, while a blush was scattered ever where.

The light stopped, and shot out of me abd throught the whole ocean.

"WAHHH!!", I shouted from the brightness.


Sea god (or a scale) P.O.V-

"What the...", I jumped in alarm.

The sea gods conscience flame... went out.

I jumped up, and looked around. I couldn't breathe.

I paniced, if I can't breathe then...

I tried all my powers but nothing..

I swam out, and up to the shore. I saw the whole village there.

They were questioning every thing.

I saw their Ena cracking off.

Whats going one... ?

To Be Continued...

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