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Miuna's P.O.V

My Ena went away, slowly, I could hardly breathe.

Shiro placed his other hand on my shoulder and said, "Welcome ...home".

A white light around me appeared, my hair untied, and I started breathing once more.

I looked at Shiro confused. He was smiling.

"Shiro... whats..?", I questioned.

"You have a town waiting for you...", Shiro spoke, as he let my hand go and swam away.

I, of course, followed him.

As I was swimming, I felt... different... like i could swim faster... my Ena glowed brighter... its like.. I gained something.

Once Shiro stoped I noticed I was infront of a castle.

Shiro grabbed my hand and swam in, while I swam along with him.

Once we arrived in a throne room, he pointed at the only chair in the room.

"Sit...", Shiro Demanded.

I hesitated a bit, but sat down.

Once I sat down, a rainbow light, shot throught the sea it looked like before.

Shrio smiled weakly, the passed out.

"SHIRO!!", I yelped out  I swam up to him, his ena was fading so I swam him to the surface to my house.

I slamed the door open, and walked in. I sat him down in my foton bed and checked if he was ok.

I check his heart beat, and his pulse.

All normal, he just passed out.

I looked at him.

"Who...are you... you said your name was Shiro... but... I... don't know you.....", I sighed.

I dont know him but... I trusted him... he just has that... trustworthy look.

I hear the door open. I quickly jumped to the door.

I saw My mom my brother, Hikari Kaname, and Manaka.

I looked at them.

"Whoooaaa!!", Manaka spoke running to me.

"Your eyes.. there Golden...!", she pointed out.

I looked surprised, "What?".

"Their gold!!", Manaka spoke again.


I shook my head, "guys I need your help...".

They looked at me.

I showed them Shiro.

"He called for me... and he was there and... BOOM hes here!", I spoke trying ti explain.

They looked at me like i was insane.

"What Im trying to say is.. I found... and he passed out.. or well he called me...", I shrugged.

Shiro awoke, and looked around, "Where am I?".

I sat next to him and said, "Your at my house...".

Shiro stared bluntly at me, "oh...".

"I have some questions...", I spoke to Shiro.

I turned to everyone else, and shooed them out.

He looked at me.

"Why are my eyes golden...why couldn't I breath for a moment... why--", Before I could finish he implanted his lips onto mine.

I blushed.

He released the kiss.

"I.....", I spoke, then quickly shut up.

"Why did you...", I shook me head in confusion.

"It is complete...", He got up and bowed.

"Welcome back, Oh Queen Sea God..."..

My eyes widened.

A golden emblem appeared on my forehead, it was the emblem only gods get.

I jumped, and said, "What?!".

"You were fated to be a god...", He spoke..

"I must go now..", He spoke vanishing.

"WAIT!!", Before I could stop him... he vanished.

I fell to the floor, making a big thump. The door opened.

My mom ran up to me and turned me over to be surprised.

I looked at her, she got up and bowed.

The rest came in and saw the emblem. They were surprised snd bowed.

"Whats..?", I confusingly spoke.

"That emblem is a sea god marking...", my mom spoke.

She laughed snd stood up, "to think my daughter becoming the sea queen...".

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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