You're the Only One

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Hyoyeon | Taemin | Kai | BoA


Hyoyeon was asked to do a cover of Only One by BoA, after receiving personal training by the Venus herself. BoA decides that Hyoyeon's partner will be a secret. 

"Unnie, why do I have to do this cover? Your version is much better, I liked it alot" Hyo smiled at BoA. BoA let out a little laugh.

"well, if I tell you. You can't get mad at me k?" BoA told Hyo, BoA lifted her right fingers pinky and smiled at Hyo.

"Pinky swear" Hyo laughed.

"Well, you see. I often spend my time rehersing myself. but i came across a blonde girl in the dance room. she was dancing to my song, well. She danced to the exact chereograph, but there is some shimmer about her dance that I like. She gave passion, she was dancing a duet alone, I wonder how perfect would it be if she have to dance with a partner" BoA smiled, she was sitting beside Hyo. BoA stared at a girl who's with curiousity in her eyes.

"The girl was you, I see my old self in you. The passion for dancing, but for me. I get to show it to the world, but that girl. Kept it to herself and the dance room. Still we see her smilling, laughing, joking around her hoobae's and sunbae's" BoA smiled, but it had a bitter felt to it

"Your like a sister to me Hyoyeon-ah, it's time for you to crack out of that shell and show them" BoA held Hyo's hand and smiled

"I didn't pick you as my silhouette dancer for no reason, I see BoA in you" BoA gripped Hyo's hand, she turned around and smile for her. Hyo looked at her unnie. how could she see something that she hides from everyone. Hyo wipes her tears quickly. 

"Ayy unnie, what's wrong with you? I'm fine, see?" she points her smile. BoA smiles at her hoobae, she hugs her. 

"Ayy ~ come on, can you just be with me during my personal dance rehersal? at least I'll have you as my companion while i practice k? since we love to stay back for rehersal right?" BoA smiled for Hyo. 

"If unnie want's a friend, sure. I can learn some from unnie right?" Hyo smiled at BoA. how BoA misses her hoobae that likes to came to see her practice. 

"Everyday on 10 pm k? is the time ok?" BoA looked at Hyo. 

"Yeah, of course" Hyo smiled at BoA

"Come on, i'll treat you ddukboki before sending you back. Your manager might get mad"

They laughed and walked away from the dance room. 

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