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After Kihyun got home and slept for about an hour, he started doing the homework Changkyun gave him.

He read the first pages of notes. They were Minhyuk's handwriting and Kihyun was glad about it. The subject was really easy and he understood them easily. At the end of the notes it said what exercises Kihyun was supposed to do so he opened his book and did them.

Studying was always something Kihyun enjoyed. When he was studying, he didn't concentrate on anything else and even if he ever had troubles, he could just study so he wouldn't think about them.

Just as Kihyun was about to turn a page of his notes to continue to the next subject, his phone screen flashed and a notification popped. It was Minhyuk asking if Kihyun studied already and if his notes were good.

Kihyun answered that they were good and that he just got through the first subject.

Before he got to continue studying, Minhyuk sent another message.

It was just a video, no text and from the blurry thumbnail Kihyun knew it was from their school.

Hoping that Minhyuk wasn't sending him any weird things, he opened the video and turned the volume up as it started playing.

He recognized Changkyun's yelling voice straight away before even seeing the guy in the crowd, being dragged away by two heavy policemen.

"You have to make sure he gets the notebook!" Changkyun shouted while trying to escape the policemen's hold to win time.

Minhyuk's hand was shaking as he filmed the video so Kihyun couldn't see clearly. All the students were in the hallway, watching Changkyun getting dragged to the opposite direction with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Jooheon!" was Changkyun's last yell. He tried to grip on the door frame but that only resulted to his fingers getting left between the heavy door and the frame.

Even though it was a video, Kihyun could see the pain and panic on his face through the glass door.

Minhyuk zoomed closer to Changkyun being put in the police car. The video ended to Hyunwoo coming and putting his hand on top of the camera.

Kihyun's screen turned off after the video ended. He dropped his phone on the table. He had no idea what was that thing he just saw. He should have realized it by then but he was just confused on what had Changkyun to do with police.

Without really thinking, he went through the notebook until he saw some handwriting that was much more messy than Minhyuk's.


I'm sorry it ended like this.

You probably think I'm a pussy for not telling you about this last night when we talked. I would've but I knew you wouldn't be able to handle it and I wanted to spare you from crying in front of me.

You want an explanation, right?

Ever since you had that accident where that man died and you ran into me, afraid of being a murdered and getting imprisoned, I wanted you.

I didn't know how to get close to you so I made you obey me, promising to keep your secret. You have to know that I regret it more than anything and I know how wrong I was to do so. Please forgive me for it.

The second and last time I kissed you, I knew that I liked you more than I should have. To protect you from what I am, I hope you don't wait for me.

"Selfish bastard you are", Kihyun cursed, his eyes already getting a bit teary. He wondered if someone had helped writing this because he wasn't sure if Changkyun could even spell.

In order to make up all the horrible things I caused to you, I needed to take off that heavy burden that has been on your shoulders since that unfortunate night.

I told Jongin that it was me who killed his father.

You don't need to worry about that anymore. You also don't have to be with me. I know you never liked me.

Can you make sure my little brother is well before you continue your life? Please take care of yourself too.

You will always mean much to me.


Kihyun couldn't understand. He read the paper over and over again trying to find hidden messages but he still couldn't understand.

Why would Changkyun pretend be guilty of something he didn't do. He helped Kihyun and now he took blame of what had happened.

'I love you so I have to leave you' this kind of sentences Kihyun never understood. It just didn't make sense. Nothing did and Kihyun was confused.

He tore the paper apart and continued to study to block away his thoughts.

It would take him a while to process this.


next is epilogue : )

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