Chapter 16. world builder and the new weapons

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Me, Patrick and Marcus were called forth by the Matthew and Michael the archangel.

Marcus:" what are we doing here".
Michael:" you ate called for your first mission".
Patrick:" i wasn't here for the orientation".
Marcus:" so was i".
Matthew:" your first mission is to build a planet".
"Planet?" all of us said.
Michael:" since y/n is our world builder, we need a couple of people that can help him".
Y/n:" but i don't need help".
Matthew:" nonsense".
Michael:" also, since you three have found your omega forms, we think its time for your official titles".
Patrick:" titles?".
Matthew:" Patrick is demigod ohm, Marcus is demigod  nanauatzin and you y/n are demigod creator".
Matthew:" now lets get go and build us a planet".
Y/n:" lets do this!".
Within hours, we were able to finish building our version of earth, Marcus built the sun, Patrick helped me build the planet.
Michael:" i am impressed, you out did yourselves".
Matthew:" nice blue sun".
Marcus:" thanks".
Matthew:" we think you guy's deserve a reward".
Matthew:" here you go, your very own swords".
He gave us 3 swords made of unknown metal.
Matthew:" each weapon is made after your abilities".
Michael:" Patrick's weapon is like a amp, it increase your power, Marcus weapon is a conducter, the more stronger he gets, his sword gets".
Matthew:" your weapon can cut through reality and block reality, but it will do fair damage to gods".
Michael:  its overpowered, but it does have it flaws, apart from the fact that it uses your own metabolism to power it, use it too long can kill you".
Michael:" god put a modification on it so you can't manipulate the weapon, but since your  omnipotent, you can use it for a long time, but of course we thought about that".
Michael:" so you have a time limit before it go and uses your human metabolism".
Matthew:" so do you guy's like it?".
Y/n:" it's cool, but i don't like the idea of dying".
Marcus:" neither do i".
Michael:" well tour done for the day, so see you guy's later".
Matthew:" farewell".
Y/n:" bye guy's".
With that we went through the portal and head home.

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