Chapter 2: Of "Interesting" Reunions

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The velvet that coated the walls of the Elite Ten lounge contrasted with beautiful gold trims, giving off a very sophisticated look in the interior of said lounge. It was almost similar to the atmosphere of a casino, if one could say so themselves. A second year sat at one velvet loveseat, drinking Pepsi from the can in one whole shot.

Another man next to him glanced at his drinking etiquette in distaste, shaking his head. "God, Jong. Have some respect for yourself, at least. Pour the drink into a glass and drink from there, not the damned can," he grumbled.

Jongin laughed, and as if to mock him, continued to slurp the entire drink up. "Chill, Sehun. If it's affecting you so much, just look away."

"The hell am I supposed to look away when now I can hear you drink like there's no tomorrow?" Sehun muttered, trying to look away, only to spot the fifth seat of the Elite Ten enter the lounge. "Hey, Seulgi. Do you happen to know the reason why we're all called here?"

The aforementioned 2nd Year shook her head, plopping down on a stool by the Elite Ten's personal bar. "No, I'm afraid not," she answered. Seeing Jongin's manner of drinking, she frowned. "Jongin, does it hurt to be a well-mannered person? Pour the Pepsi into a glass. This display is getting me nauseous."

"Exactly!" Sehun agreed, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

Jongin looked up at them with a bored expression, clearly peeved. Setting down the empty can of Pepsi and reaching for a new one, he said, "Leave me alone, you pricks."

"Yea, leave him alone, guys. At least he has stopped for now," Momo walked in with Sooyoung (though she prefers being called Joy for some reason), leaning against the velvet walls with no care. Joy sat down on the armrest of the loveseat Jongin was seated on, casually grabbing the can he was initially reaching for.

"Wha- hey! Joy, what the hell?!" Jongin groaned, glaring daggers at the snickering girl. He caught sight of Jungkook quietly entering the lounge, being as low-key as possible, though he didn't say anything about it, knowing Jungkook appreciates his privacy. Taehyung, who also just entered, didn't get the message, as he casually walked up to the boy and slung his arm around his shoulders like it's nobody's business. The 1st Year seemed flustered, as he tried to pry his best friend's hands away frantically while glaring at him.

"Don't worry, you're perfectly fine with this. You'd give me permission to drink this, too," Joy smiled, putting her powers to use. As if in a trance, Jongin nodded and complied, but he snapped out of it quite quickly, shaking his head, and glaring at her even more.

"Damn it, Joy! Don't use your magic on me!" Jongin growled, whipping his head away with a pout. Joy snickered at his reaction.

"Oh god, incoming," Sehun voiced out, gesturing at the doors, and just as he said that, Yura walked in, acting like the queen of the world.

"Hello, everyone!" Yura cheerfully waved. Momo looked away for her own good.

"Hey, Yura," Joy replied with a lack of enthusiasm, but if Yura caught wind of it, she didn't show it, for she happily walked to the loveseat Jongin, Sehun and Joy have happily settled themselves on.

"Move you three, I wanna sit here. Actually, Jongin, you can stay here, only because I like you, okay?" her smile was so wide it might as well fall off her face, and Sehun excused himself to sit on another couch for he didn't want to sit near the devil, anyways.

"You're on your own, Jong," Joy winked, moving away to lean on the walls next to Momo, who was smirking at him.

Jongin sighed. "Somehow I feel like this is more of a punishment rather than a blessing," he muttered, but made space for her anyways.

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