Chapter 12: Psychopathic Idiots

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"Lord," Yeri breathed out as she looked around the luxurious lounge in the west wing. This looked more like a 5-star airline lounge rather than a school resting area. Velvet couches and armchairs could be seen everywhere in the large space, and she could see a staircase leading to another floor all the way from where she stood. Hell, she could even see a buffet from here. The school's rich! How did her aunt even manage to transfer both her and her brother here? Wasn't the hag broke?

Okay, her Aunt Yeonhee was no old hag, but the way she always complained about having no boyfriend usually convinced her otherwise. Ah well. She loved her aunt all the same, either way.

At the entrance of the lounge, a man in a suit stood by, decked out with gems and whatnot. Noticing her and Jungkook's arrival, the man stood at attention, before bowing down slightly as a greeting.

"Welcome, Young Master, Miss Kim. I'm Sir Kwang, and I'll be escorting the both of you to the Elite Ten's private lounge upstairs. Most of your fellow members have already arrived."

She raised her eyebrows, confused. "We get our own lounge?"

"Yes," Jungkook nodded. "I suppose you can say that we're the exclusive VIPs of this school."

"Splendid," she muttered dryly. He suppressed a laugh and opted to crack a smile instead.

"Allow me to lead the way," the man said, bowing down again before walking ahead and weaving through students. Yeri and Jungkook followed suit.

As they walked, Yeri moved to whisper to Jungkook, "What's the deal with 'Young Master'?"

He made a face, grimacing slightly. "Let's just say that my father's quite a good friend of Chairman Lee. Thus, I'm treated very well here in Vestus."

"How unfortunate for you," she said jokingly, causing both of them to chuckle lightly. Heading to the staircase, Yeri found it hard to ignore the stares people directed at her, and she wondered how Jungkook just brushed it off so nonchalantly.

She frowned, tugging at his sleeve. "Do they always have to stare?"

"Hm? Who?" he looked around, realization clear in his features as he did. "Oh," he nodded, before sneaking a reassuring smile at her. "Don't worry about them. They've only got good opinions about us, anyways. You'll get accustomed to it over time," Jungkook told her as they went up the stairs.

Upon doing so, they were met with a large golden door, guarded by two other men in suits.

When the two men spotted the Elite Ten bracelet hugging their wrists, they opened the doors, letting them in.

The man turned around to regard them. "You will have your own buffet and chef up here, along with your own waiters. If you are in need of anything else, do question me if your other members don't have the answer to it. Enjoy yourselves, Young Master, Miss Kim," he bowed yet again (Yeri was starting to get tired of it now, frankly) before briskly leaving the pair. The golden doors closed behind them as they walked further into the private lounge.

By the glass windows, was a long oval table, where most of the Elite Ten sat. From where she was, she could see Soojung quietly eating a salad and Myungsoo indulging himself in a glass of champagne, while Seulgi and Joy shared a stir-fried beef. She could also see Sehun going through the buffet and Momo fast asleep on her seat, her amuse bouche lying unfinished before her. Taehyung and Jongin were nowhere to be seen, presumably unfinished with their selections.

Spotting the newcomers, Joy set her fork down, grinning happily. "Hi, lovebirds! About time you got here!"

Soojung opened her eyes and nodded at them as a greeting, before continuing with her meal. Myungsoo, Sehun and Seulgi waved at them.

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