Chapter 1

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After being together for two years, Jefferson and Hamilton had adopted a young boy by the name of Phillip. "It's his first day of school, Thomas. What's not to worry about?" asked Hamilton in the passenger seat of the car. "Well, maybe that pretty little head of yours shouldn't worry about everything," Thomas chuckled. Alexander sighed, grabbing Thomas's free hand. "I guess you are right. Still, this is the first time raising a child, and I want to do it right."

Thomas looked to Hamilton. He looked stunning, even if he was just wearing his sweatshirt, and his long hair into a bun. "Phillip is fine darling. Why don't we just turn on some music," he said reaching for the radio. Thomas knew that Alex loved music, writing, and his son, so Hamilton couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face.

 After singing 'All of Me', there was a news report. Today, at Cedar Creek Elementary school, a young man came into the school with a gun and killed 20 students. We are not sure of the names yet, but we must pray for the best. Alexander froze, looking at his husband.

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