Recovery of a Memory

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Author's note: So I haven't actually seen season 2 of the Flash yet. I know, I know. Then why am I writing this? Cause I've heard spoilers, and I've found that I really really like Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow) and Deathstorm (Ronnie Raymond). I don't recall hearing what sparked her transformation and powers so I'm making something up. This is all completely made up, and I don't know if anything will be close to cannon. Please bear with me, like I said I haven't actually seen what's cannon besides a few video clips of Killer Frost and Deathstorm.

OH, and as always I own absolutely nothing! So all official rights and characters belong to The CW/Warner Brothers/DC, really whoever actually owns it!


Biting and stinging from within my veins and it's all I can feel as I begin to wake up.

Almost immediately I peel my eyes open only to scrunch them back up again from the sharpness of the lights. Slowly this time I peer through my eyelashes, opening my eyes just a crack.

The small box of a room I'm in is covered in ice and I briefly wonder if this is what's making me so cold. But how can that make me feel like I have ice running through my veins? Especially when the cold of winter has never bothered me before, at least not o this degree.

Startled I jerk in surprise, I actually remember something about myself. Well, that's a start I suppose. With difficulty I try to remember anything, anything at all besides this cold and this cramped room. I'm becoming frustrated with myself and as I throw my hands up, nearing defeat, icicles shoot angrily from my hands to the wall across from me. My mouth falls open from another surprise, and I stare at my hands which have frost emanating from them, and I realize that this is new too.

I try to take a deep breath to calm myself, but it just serves to make me feel like I'm going to break down. I collapse against the wall behind me, still staring at my hands. Sliding down to the floor I feel myself on the verge of crying, but from what I'm not yet sure.

Only a moment later I'm suddenly hit by a memory. It's muted and hard to catch, and the only thing I can see clearly is the face of whomever I had been talking to. Even though I can't hear most of what he's saying to me, his voice is soothing and I can tell he cares about me based on his expression. His eyes are on mine, as if I'm the only person he sees. He pulls me into his arms and I breath in, inhaling his musky scent. It's comforting and makes me thing of home. He is my home.

Through the fog, as I'm pulled away from this memory, I hear something else with striking clarity. "I love you Caitlin Snow." his voice is low and whispered as if this message just for my ears only. My memory self speaks for the first time, "I love you Ronnie Raymond." she whispered back to him before tilting her head to kiss him. Kiss Ronnie.

"My name is Caitlin. Caitlin Snow." I murmur to myself. "And I love Ronnie. Ronnie Raymond." my voice is even quieter when I whisper this second time, I feel like I don't want anyone else outside these walls to hear me. One of the only things I know is this General Iling (I don't know how to spell it??) is quite horrible. He and his men both. Rage fills me as I think about the fact that he locked me in here, and that he managed to steal my memories and take away the one person who I truly love and care about.

My body grows colder the angrier I get. I want out of here, and I want it now. Pushing myself up from the ground I turn to face the door, barely visible with all the frost and ice that covers it. Taking a deep breath I try to use the ice powers that I'd accidentally found I had a short while ago. When nothing happened I scrunched my nose up in irritation before trying again. This time I focused on my feelings: my anger, my pain, and most importantly my love for this Ronnie Raymond that I seem to remember. Now when I raise my hands and try to shoot ice it actually works and the door has been pierced with the sharp icicles. Focusing I do this a few more times, until the door is ready to fall out.

With a loud clang the door falls and pieces of it shatter off in different directions. As I step over a small mound of icy snow still in the doorway I realize it's quiet. Glancing around I realize it looks like the place has been cleared out for the day or something as nobody's around and regular lights are off while dimmer lights strategically light up the room so that I could see enough to walk around with the regular overhead lights off. As I propel myself forward the only sound is the slap of my bare feet against the tiles.

This place is a maze of twists and turns but somehow I manage to find a way out and soon am roaming the streets, looking for a clue or a place where I can hide out for a bit.

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