Chapter 16 - Secret Actions

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I couldn't cope with what Thomas had told me. I knew not to freak out and ring Mark right away. I'd end up getting overly angry and you know. Maybe it was innocent like Thomas said.

It had been two days since I found out. I was still raging with anger but I couldn't keep sitting around wondering what was going on. I pulled on my jacket and sped out to my car, straight over to Mark's.

Expecting the same cold greeting I received from Mark the other day, i was shocked when his face lit up.

He looked well groomed. No more beards , fresh clothes and a smile plastered accross his face.

He said nothing but he stepped foreward and pulled me into a tight hug.

I was confused but I hugged him back.

"So, feeling better?" I asked

"100%, look Luce I know I've been pushing you away I just don't know how to talk about these situations. I needed alone time"

I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned in disbelief

"Yeah but now things can go back to normal. my mam and sister are coping and we can spend time together again. " he said as he took my hand

I stared at him and shook my head.

"What's wrong" mark asked

"Thomas told me he seen you in the diner the other night?"

Mark's face dropped. "did he? " he responded hoarsely

I nodded.

"I didn't see him" Mark acted casual

I shrugged my shoulders

"What?" he asked

"Nothing" I mumbled

Obviously Bella was able to get Mark to

Open up to her. I guess maybe I shouldn't be angry. He was having a bad time but I hated being lied to. he knew this would upset me.

" Wanna come in?" he asked

I shook my head, I felt tears welling in my ryes. not again I thought. Was it really coming back to this. Our relationship that was perfect just two weeks ago was back to secrets and lies.

Was Mark cheating on me? Again?

"Luce? " He said as he noticed my tears

He reached for my hand but I pulled it Away

"Okay, I know what's wrong"

I looked up at him through my wet eyelashes

"Your upset because Thomas , being the prick he is, obvisioisly exaggerated a story about me again? What was it this time"

I stared at him in complete disbelief, was he serious?

"I'm glad Thomas told me, it's not as if you'd of told me. You don't tell me anything anymore"

He stared at me for a second then dropped his head.

"You annoyed I had dinner with Bella?"

I shook my head and looked down "no , I'm not annoyrd at you"

But the truth was that I was annoyed at myself. I clearly wasn't a good enough girlfriend to him. He's been pushing me away quite a lot but it hurt even more that he could talk to his ex about things he couldn't talk about with me.

"Do you wanna come in and talk about it?"

I shook my head "no"

"I just wanted to see you were okay"

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