Chapter 17 - Powerless

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Slowly my eyes opened, I felt it was a dream when I looked around. 

Twelve familiar faces stood watching me with concern.

''LUCY, my baby! Thank GOD!'' My mam yelped

''Harry, oh Harry she's awake!'' 

My mam and dad stared at me in pure adoration while I lay confused and unaware of where I was.

Mark took my hand and held it tight. 

''We were so worried'' Ciara said as she looked me in the eyes and Ashley nodded in agreement.

My brothers Alex and Ryan stood shell shocked in the corner as if they had no words.

''Wha- whats going on?'' I muttered, I felt weak and fragile

''Ryan, Alex, please take Meg, April and Amber to the canteen for a bit'' My mam Lisa suggested.

She turned to face me, ''Sweetie, we think you were sedated''

''Sedated?'' I questioned

''Like, someone spiked your drink'' Mark added

I was so confused. I plafced my hand to my head and tried to remember last night but there was nothing- just a blackout.

''Who would do that?'' I asked innocently

I looked around waiting for a responce but everyone looked back blankly. My sister Kadie was crying, clearly so worried about me and Lo looked as though she had just seen a ghost.

''Lo, maybe we're all overcrowding her, maybe you Kadie and the girls should head outside for a bit'' My mam suggested

The agreed and went outside, my dad followed.

I was left with Mark and my mam and I was extremely confused.

''I still don't understand''

''Either do we honey''

''Where was I? Who was I with? Who found me? What happened?''

Mark still held my hand tightly and they both took a seat on either side of me.

''We were at my house, I threw a party, everyone was there. Can you remember any of that?'' Mark began

I closed my eyes for a second in an attempt to recollect, but nothing. I shook my head.

''Well, I was talking with the guys from the team and you were off about with the girls.''

I nodded, motioning for him to continue.

''You disappeared for a bit and after an hour or so I went looking for you. Ciara said she hadn't seen you either. ''

''I headed up to my room and thats where I found you. Unconscious''

He bit his lip, as if he didn't want to continue.

''Then what?'' I asked anxiously

''You were fully  undressed and had a cut accross your forehead'' My mam said, taking over for Mark

I raised my hand to my head and felt a deep graze above my left eyebrow.

''I tried waking you but you were not responsive at all. You were shaking like crazy so I put one of my t-shirts and my tracksuit bottoms on you but you were still shaking. Thats when I paniced and Ciara came in, she called an ambulance and they told us straight away you had been spiked'' Mark said

This was terrifying, I couldn't remember a thing. Who would spike me? In my own boyfriends house.

''I feel sick, who would do this'' I said 

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