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A/N: Apparently I'm in a fluffy mood tonight. Short one, but sweet. Enjoy!

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Stupid fucking traffic. He was already late getting home, and his phone died nearly an hour ago.

Mitch's anxiety was in full swing. He felt like he had a million things going on that he had to worry about, and it was all starting to crash down on him. Lack of sleep and constantly running on coffee didn't seem to help much either.

He made it home half an hour later, and suddenly he was falling apart. He knew he was probably going to have a meltdown tonight, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Mitch hated his anxiety. It isn't something you can control, and as much as he wished he could, there was no way he could hold back the tears anymore.

He stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking nowhere in particular as he decompressed in the only way his body would allow. He cried over the stupid traffic. He cried about his dead cell phone. He cried about the coffee he forgot to get earlier. He cried about everything.


His tears subsided after another twenty minutes and he was left standing in the same spot as before, worn out and far away mentally.

He didn't hear the front door open, so he had no idea his blond partner was staring at him.

Scott knew this side of Mitch. When he had meltdowns, Mitch always turned relatively vacant. He spaced out for a good number of hours before coming back to reality.

Scott was sad that things were hard for Mitch. It wasn't his fault, but the smaller man was his other half in the truest sense of the word, and he felt for him.

"Mitchy?" Scott was curious if he was still zoned out, and the lack of a response gave him his answer. He took a step forward and lifted Mitch into his arms easily, planning to lay him down in his bed. Something was different this time though.

"Scott?" That was probably the quickest recovery he'd seen yet.

"I'm here, love. I was just taking you to lay down." Scott set him on the bed and tucked the blanket around him before standing up and turning towards the door.

"Wait!" He raised an eyebrow and turned back. "Please stay? I want you to cuddle with me." Scott agreed without question and found his way under the covers.


It was nearly two hours later that Scott felt like talking.

"You came back fast this time, sweetheart. It seems like you're getting better."

"It's because of you." This caught his interest.

"Me? What do you mean"

Mitch tilted his chin to look into the bright blue eyes that were already fixated on him.

"You're my anchor. You bring me back home when I accidentally get lost." He pressed a single kiss to Scott's lips before pulling back. "You've always been the one to help me get through things, and this isn't an exception."

Scott was at a loss of words. He was feeling emotional, but he didn't want to cry, even if they were happy tears.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Scott could feel Mitch looking up at him again so he slowly met his eyes.

"If it's even a fraction of how much I love you, then I definitely know." Scott considered arguing with Mitch about who loved the other the most, but he decided it wasn't a necessary battle.

They had always loved each other unconditionally and with everything they had, and that was good enough for both of them.

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