So Your THAT Girl?

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Hermione POV

I couldn't pay attention in Defense Against The Dark Arts class it was Harry my mind was on him and some blonde girl talking,giggling, and blushing I looked next to me was Lavender Brown I looked down I couldn't take it seeing Harry with that girl broke my heart a lot finally " CLASS DISMISSED!" Our teacher boomed I quickly rushed out into the hallway I bumped into Harry and the girl " hey Harry!" I said he smiled " hey Hermione this is my friend , Hermione meet Luna Lovegood." He said I smiled and shook hands with her " hello pleasure meeting you I'm Hermione Granger."i said she smiled and I was glad they were just friends but then she kissed him on the cheek I felt rage coming from me he blushed lightly" see ya Harry !" she said skipping to her tower I said bye to Harry and followed Luna she skipped to...oh my god Neville and kissed him fully on the lips I gagged so she's THAT kind of girl " come on boyfriend." she said to Neville that kind of girl who kisses Harry then has a boyfriend who's Neville what's with that I ran back to the common room I guess I ran in too fast because I bumped into Harry we fell he was on me " my god Hermione I'm sorry!" he apologized we got up " it's ok Harry it's my fault anyway I bumped into you ." I said he laughed " come on I wanna show you something!" he said pulling me out of the room and down the Great Hall it was noisy and he opened the doors it was a party

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