Chapter 1: Cruising along

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Chapter 1:

                15 years later……

The storm buckled and bellowed in the wind as the thunder roared to life; causing fear to strike against my face. The sails fluttered hard against the beams that it hung from, while my hair swam along the current of the wind. My hair flowed through the air as my clothes flickered and tossed around. My bright, brown beard, tickled my brow, as I held fast onto a beam, while water saturated my clothes and hair.

                I yelled,” Man the gates! Put down the sails! We have a bloody storm amongst us!” The under deck rang and clanged as a man roared up the bell. The alarm seemed distant as the waters roared and bellowed. Thunder arched across the rising waters as the storm moaned and groaned while swaying the boat from side to side.

 The man below deck yelled,” Wake up and get ye’ booty’s up and ready! We got ‘ere a storm!” The waves sloshed the hull around as the crew scuttled around trying to get out of the torrent of the waves. Some fell off of their sleeping nests while others struggled to put on their boots and clothes. They buckled and yelled as they manned their stations; preparing for hell to come. Others, that managed to get out in time, fell and tripped over the rope while water would splash around inside the creaking boat. The men yelled as they got soaked to the brim as the waters seeped through the holes that would empty water out.

                I yelled, “Head fast, for we cannot lose our prize! Go onward and avoid thy waves!” The man on the floor got up and ran to the poop deck and scrambled for the wheel. He screamed as a wave took him down onto the floor. He got back up and stumbled; trying to grab a hold of the steering wheel.

Water splashed onto his face as he yelled,” Ahoy!” The others got into their position manning the hull onto its course. People yelled as some of the crew fell off of the stern of the boat, while trying to take down the sails.

                They all yelled back with enthusiasm,” Aye aye captain!” This expedition isn’t going the way I want it too. This is all wrong! This storm wasn’t supposed to come!


June 14th 1671 AGW (after gods’ war)

Morning at Worshire Docks



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