Chapter 2: The beginning of Henry's voyage

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Roar! The mysterious growl from beyond, roars once more – The ship vibrates as I quake with impending fear. The growl was so loud that it made my eardrums pop! What is this creature that I am not aware of? I looked over to Morgan in the utter chaos of water and loud growls. His bald head and white beard with his stubby features pushed outward unto my vision.

He was so frightened and scared that he just stood there wide-eyed with fear. What has gotten into this man? I wanted to slap every feature off of his face, for the situation only made me grunt with frustration. He was so pale in the face – he lost every vagrant bit of color in his frightened pose. He was so scared; more scared than any other man that I have ever seen. He looked shocked and he just stood there wide-eyed full of terror.

                “Morgan,” I roared. I tried keeping myself steady against the crashing waves. Water sprayed my face drenching me to the bone. I held onto a beam for dear life; waiting for the waters to take me away at any moment. He did not respond. He just stood there mouth open and fixated onto the roaring waters.

                “Captain,” yelled a sailor whose body was tracing across the planks. He was small and flimsy barely had much to describe. He interrupted my yells and ran over to me. He stopped – he looked at me with those frightened eyes and said,” A hole burrowed itself into the main living quarters!”

                I looked at him wide eyed and yelled,” What?” I was shocked. This devastation is too large to even be real! Am I going to die tonight with my crew?

                He said,” Some strange noodle ran its face into the ship and pulled out after we stabbed it to death!” A noodle - what in the blazes is a giant noodle doing in the sea?

                “A what,” I asked precautious.

                The sailor sighed and said,” It looked like a noodle but that’s not the problem! Do you know what we can do to fix it?” Crap, I knew this one was coming. I barely managed to gain the position of ‘captain’ let alone be the fixer of all things. Luckily there are instruments I supplied onto the ship.

                “Go get the hammer and nails from the storage den! There are some planks there as well! Use a cloth to fill the hole before using the wood and be careful if you do it wrong the hole will become larger and will sink the boat right away!”

                “What about the left over water?”

                “Use the buckets! You should know the drill!”

                The sailor ran away and met with the others. He began mumbling and talking to them and giving out commands. They all then ran over to the storage den. At that point they muffled out of view.

                I let go of the beam and ran over to Morgan to accompany him. I looked at him and at his wide eyes he was near the rack of cannons and was sitting down on the ground utterly hopeless. He laughed hysterically as if everything in the world was suddenly ‘funny’. The laugh scared me half to wits; something was wrong- really, really wrong.

Another roar burst through the sounds of the waves and thunder. Blue veins arched itself across the sky – amber hot like fire in the hottest of fuel. Then the thunder would meet with the lightning, as if it were a duet in a play.

                “Morgan,” I yelled.

He said,” What is it my friend?”

                “What in the blazes is going on?”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2012 ⏰

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