Ayano & Shuyin Yamasaki

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Name: Ayano Yamasaki

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Nice, Smart, kinda shy

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: Video games, people calling her a nerd, food, school, Her big brother (no incest)

Dislikes: Bullies, people picking on Shuyin

Crush: None

Backstory: Her and Shuyin lives alone because their parents went to another country for work.


Name: Shuyin Yamasaki

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Shy, nerdy, Kind, smart

Sexuality: Gay

Likes: Studying, Cooking, Video games, reading, his little sister (No incest)

Dislikes: Being Bullied, Wasabi

Crush: (I want a crush for this Oc, but don't know who...)

Backstory: When their parents left, Shuyin took care of Ayano.

Other: He's such a uke....



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Here you go, Imanotakuandimproud!

I'm sorry....I just like my Yaoi Ocs....

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