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Monday rolled around, which meant another week of school. Emma followed Mary Margaret to their improvised classroom. Just like the rest of the floor, it was decorated with several drawings and colourful ornaments. Each teenager took their respective seat.

Emma approached the teacher "Mr Jefferson?"

"You must be miss Swan" he says "Welcome to my class. Please, take a seat" he motions to the empty chair in the room, next to Neal.

"Hey" Emma whispers as she sits down.

"Hi" he smiles.

"So" Mr Jefferson says to the class "How are your group projects going?"

The teacher notices a hand being raised in the air. "Yes, Robin?"

"Ours is finished."

"You can hand it over, then". Robin stands up to hand over the paper.

"Thank you" Jefferson says as he recieves it. "Killian Jones, Robin of Locksley and Will Scarlett" he reads out loud, writing down the boys' names. "Alright, it's officially turned in. You can sit down now. Anyone else?"

A few more groups turned in their papers and Jefferson continued with his class.

Snow, who was in the front row, turned around and got Neal and Emma's attention. "Pssst, guys" she whispers, and the pair looks at her "Support group meeting at 6pm, pass the word."

"You got it" Neal replies.

Neal turns to Hook and Robin to his left "Hey guys, we have another group meeting at 6pm. Can you tell Regina and Zelena?"

Robin got his pencil, stretched his arm and poked the brunette's arm with it.

"What do you want?" Regina asks.

"Just wanted to tell you and your sister that there's a group meeting this afternoon, six o'clock."

"Alright. Consider it told" Regina says "You can go back to your desk."

"Sure..." Robin frowns "See you later, then". He turns back to the board.


"Hello, everyone. Welcome back" Archie greets the group, earning some 'hellos' and a couple eye rolls.

Archie adjusts his glasses and begins to speak. "One of the things that can really help you power through in a place like this are the people around you. The doctors and nurses are there for you, yes, but they're here to take care of your health. Although I'm here to for you to speak about everything you're going through psychologically and emotionally, it's always good to have friends. Someone you can count on. That's what today's session's gonna be about. People. The people we knew, the people we've met. Now, I know this is a sensitive topic for some of you, mention only what you're comfortable with. But remember, this is a safe place, there's no need to be afraid. Who wants to start?"

"I'll go" Snow speaks up "Um, when I first arrived, my cousin Regina was already here, so I hung out with her. But we eventually drove apart..."

"And why did that happen?" Archie asks.

Snow looks at Regina, as if searching for an answer, but she simply looks away. Regina couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat, which was triggered by the memories from their earlier days in the facility. She quickly shook it off.

"I don't know..." Snow replies "It just did."

She continues her story "Later on, my other cousin Zelena also came in, but we never talked much, she just hung out with Regina. When I was talking with my nurse once, I heard the story about Granny's granddaughter. Her parents died so she was going to live here. So when she got here, I offered to show her around. We ended up becoming best friends. She was the first person here who I really cared about". Snow chuckles "And one day I was just walking around, when someone bumped against me in the hall. It was this blond boy in a wheelchair" she looks at David and smiles.

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