;Chapter Twenty-Three; (UNDER EDITING)

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I'm guessing that I have about wiped my muzzle a thousand times this past minute. As I wiped it again, I noticed it was getting dark but I still continued to walk. The sun shone its last rays on me as it disappeared into the horizon. I sighed and laid down next to a great oak. I wrapped my tail around my snout and closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep... All I could think about was Flora. How she appeared at the Township - ready to fight me. I flattened my ears and scrunched my nose, desperate for slumber. And that's when it finally came.

I was at school. I sat alone on a bench, watching all the other kids play Pairs or Scooped. At the time, I had no friends. Duke and his gang would stride over to me and tease me about it. I would always end up crying which resulted to more bullying. After the bell rang for the end of the school day, Flora would pick up Duke and then she ordered me to walk home... so that's what I did every single day.

Then the dream transported me to the place where my step-brother had died. Duke had warned me it was a trap when I had tried to help him and I knew he was right. No one deserves to die...

My eyes flicked open and light shone down on me. The last words of my dream rang through my mind - no one deserves to die. My paw reached for my face and I could feel dried tears constantly which meant I had been crying in my sleep. I clenched my paws into fists and screamed, my scream echoing through the valley. Nobody deserved to die and I wasn't going to let anyone face death! My fiery wings unfolded and my eyes flamed up. Soon, my whole body was glowing with fire. I clapped my hands together and a vine raised me up toward the sky. I took off like a zip line. I soared, faster than I have ever gone before. The world rushed behind me and I could feel myself getting closer...


Greely crept through the brush, searching. He looked behind a tree and the result was a bunny. Once it saw him, it quickly hopped away. Greely groaned and dragged his paws down his face. Greely shook his head and continued to search. He found two snakes, one dead fish, one dead warrior, three snails, and two deer but no Amelia. A slimy sensation dripped onto his shoulder from what seemed to be a tree. Greely squinted up to the tree and a phantom popped its head out from the leaves. The phantom smiled down at him and dropped to the ground. Greely bared his teeth and brandished his sword. The phantom electrocuted him and then swiped at his cheek. The wolf yelped and dodged the blow. Greely sliced off one of the phantom's tentacles, but it kept moving. The phantom stabbed at him, but it missed each time. The phantom moaned and made a strange gesture. And then a second phantom came up behind Greely and stuck a sharp sword-like tentacle into Greely's stomach. Greely blinked and then fell to the ground. He could hear the phantoms laugh but then surprisingly shriek as another animal rushed toward then, bringing them down. The animal bit into one phantom then stabbed a sword through the other. The last thing Greely saw before he fell unconscious was Amelia's face looking down at him, tears in her eyes.


I dropped to the ground and folded my wings. The battlefield was empty. I walked around.

"Greely! Peck! Cosmo!" I called, but to no answer. I sighed and shook my head. Right as I did, a yell rang through the air. My ears perked up and I ran toward the sound, only to see Greely crumpled up in a heap, blood pooling beneath him. I clenched my fists as I saw two phantoms over the wolf. That's when I lunged like a corrupted animal and bit into the first one's neck. Then I brandished my sword and stuck it through the other one's eye. Black goo exploded over me, but I didn't care. I rushed over to Greely and looked into his closing eyes. I let out a sob and began to cry. As tears slipped out, I put my head on Greely's chest, my ears flattened. I picked him up and carried him to the battlefield. I propped Greely's body up against a tree and continued to sob. I wrapped my arms around him and howled, letting my salty tears drip down onto Greely's wound. Little did I know that the wound was slowly beginning to close up. I cried for what seemed like hours. I placed my paws on his cheeks and kissed him. I needed to do it again. I snuggled up next to him and wiped my tears. I hiccuped and gasped for air. Then I kissed him again and surprisingly, he kissed back. I pulled away.

"G-Greely?" I stuttered. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled weakly at me. I began to cry again, but with happiness. I kissed him once more and he kissed back again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and positioned myself in his lap. Greely cupped my chin and kissed me. I smiled and stopped, putting my forehead up to his. But Greely grabbed me and pulled me closer. He planted a kiss on my cheek then made his way to my lips. I never felt this way when Juno kissed me... I felt different. I smiled and kissed Greely's jaw line. He tensed up and pinned me down on the ground. The wolf raised an eyebrow and smirked. I smirked back and we laughed. We laughed together.


Liza watched it all and couldn't help but burn in jealousy. She had no choice but to sabotage it. The panda ran and searched for a phantom. Instead of one phantom, she saw loads. And they saw her. They immediately tried to electrocute Liza but she jumped out of the way.

"Don't get me! There are two animals over there!" Liza whispered, nodding to the battlefield. The phantoms shrugged and glided toward Greely and Amelia. And suddenly, Liza felt bad.


Greely smirked at me and lifted me up. I blushed and scratched the back of my neck.

"Sorry..." I chuckled. Greely stepped toward me and held my hand. He carressed my cheek and smiled. I smiled back, but that happiness faded as a tentacle sword sliced through my ear. I growled and whipped toward the phantom, and so did Greely. I could feel my pupils turn into flames.

"You stupid phantoms!" I snarled. " I spread my wings and shot into the sky. Flames then burst from my fiery wings and burned the phantoms to a crisp, melting them into black goo. Greely cut through phantoms with his sword and didn't get a scratch. He glanced up at me and flashed a dazzling smile. Of course, I blushed and smiled back. Out of the blue, Liza dashed out of a nearby bush and started fighting too! Was she spying on us? I squinted and flapped my wings. Suddenly, all the phantoms seemed to look at me and a purple shock line zapped through the air and hit me right in the chest. The impact was strong and the pain sailed through my body swiftly. My wings folded and my eyes rolled back. Then two seconds later, I felt the air rush through my fur as I fell swiftly to the ground.


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